Chapter 1

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This story is in Karis' Pov...
8 years later

I woke up in a dark room, it's from when I was a little girl, Uncle Issac was there, along with my mom and dad. I was tied up, trying to get out but I couldn't, the ropes wouldn't come undone.


I woke up with a scearm.

" Karis, are you ok" my mom asked

" Yea, just a bad dream, thats all, where's dad".

" Hunny, you know he works".

" Yea, I guess".

" Do you want to tell me about these dreams".

" No, I just want to sleep".

" Ok, go back to bed, Goodnight".

" Goodnight, Love you mom".

" Love you too Karis".

I had that dream over and over again, it wouldn't get out of my head. I woke up with a jerk. I couldn't breath. I walked downstairs to get a glass of water. When I got in the kitchen dad was in there.

" Hey dad, what are you doing home so late".

" The office made me stay longer".

" Oh ok".

" Well im going up to bed Karis, see you in the morning".

" Ok dad, Goodnight, I love you".

" Love you to Karis".

Sorry it's short, This is the 3rd book to Taken Hostage. I hope you injoy. Comment and Vote

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