One last fight

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3rd POV


As he yells the ground beneath him begins to shatter. He launches at him and throws a punch right across his smug face before kicking him into the air. He flys up and holds out his hands and fires off an energy blast and a giant explosion is made. He holds out his hand and it glows blue and he slams him into the ground. As he flys at him he reels back his fist but as he throws his fist it suddenly explodes. His eyes widen and he turns to see Overhaul standing there.

Overhaul: time to settle what we started you little brat......

All for one: as promised chisaki......

A warp gate opened and all for one reaches in and pulls out a sleeping eri.


All for one: ah. Shhhhh shh shh shush! You wouldn't want to wake her now would you?

Y/N tenses up as his arm begins to grow back. He clenched his fist.

Y/N: Dont you dare hurt her......

All for one: oh don't be silly......I wouldn't want to hurt my granddaughter........

Y/N stood there before realizing something. He takes a deep breathe and his hands open up and energy began to come to it.


All for one: isn't she your daughter-

Y/N: I mean......not legally but I'd consider her my own daughter........

All for one: well still. She means everything to you does she not?

Y/N: more then chisaki.

Chisaki: that's a lie. Without her I would have never gotten this far. So while yes she means everything to us it's for a different reason......

Y/N: yeah.....becuase your a monster.....

Chisaki: like I've never heard that before-

Y/N: also why do you wear a mask?

All for one: why are you-

He stops. He slowly looks up to see a giant energy ball being formed. He laughs a bit.

All for one: not bad.....but what makes you think you'll have enough time to defeat us?

Y/N smiles before holding out one of his hands and snapping it. A warp gate open and all might, Bakugo, shoto, and Izuku all fell out.

Y/N: i got them.....

All might: know i Cant-

Y/N held out his hand and all mights eyes widen. He tears off the top of his shirt and sees the life wound being heald.

Y/N: hey Izuku. Here.

Y/N fires a blast at Izuku hitting him but nothing happens.

Izuku: what did you-

Y/N: I gave you my healing quirk. You can now use 100% of your power without having to worry about breaking your bones. Shoto?

Shoto: y-yes?

Y/N fires another beam at her and her eyes widen. Both her sides now had flames.

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