A visit

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As I lay in bed I sigh. My entire body is sore, most of my bones are cracked, and I'm having a giant headache. I'm not going to school for a couple of days because of what happened. I groan as I sit up and yawn. I look down at my hand before clenching it and getting up to grab some cereal. As I pour myself a bowl my phone rings.

Y/N: hello........oh hey all might......................are your sure.......................*sigh* ok........I'll be there.

I hang up the phone and put on my hero clothes and warp gate over to a prison called Tartarus. I begin walking towards the entrance where I see all might in his hero clothes but in his skinny form. I chuckle.

Y/N: that seems a bit big if ya ask me.

All might: seemed appropriate considering my old one got completely destroyed......You ready?

I nod before walking in. After going through security we walk down a long hall. I hear hundreds of villains all yelling out all mights name. As we walk further down we eventually come down to a smaller hallway. The doors open and me and all might walk in and sit down.

 The doors open and me and all might walk in and sit down

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All for one: well well well......if it isn't toshinora and Y/N......What a pleasure.......


All might: I want to know.....everything.....about Shigaraki.

All for one laughs and I bang my fist against the wall


All might grabs my shoulder and pulls me down

All might: calm down kiddo.....

I sigh before looking at him.

Y/N: Shigaraki was brought in one day by all for one. Back before you came and rescued me......back.....before.......

All might: I know.....but what I want to know something. Who is he....

All for one: who is he? Why. I already told you.

All might bangs in the glass

All might: BULLSHIT!!!!

I grab him and pull him back.

Y/N: it's ok dad-all might.

All for one looks slightly annoyed at this.

All for one: what has he ever done for you that makes him your dad more then me huh?

Y/N: you really wanna ask that kinda question? YOU CARES MORE ABOUT TOMURA THEN YOU EVER DID FOR ME!!! EVER SINCE I WAS BORN YOU TRIED GROOMING ME INTO BEING A VILLAIN!!!! I WANTED TO BE A HERO!!!! I wanted......I wanted.......to make mom proud......

All might and al for one both shocked to hear this. I sigh before standing up.

All might: who.....who was your mom anyway....?

The son of the greatest evil known to this worldWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt