"HMMMMM BONNIE!!!" Freddy Screamed throught the Ducktape"

"Foxy then started cutting my cheeks then foxy grabbed the gun put a silencer on is and he shot me in my shoulder"

"AHHHHHHH FOXY!!!! AHHH." I said Screaming in pain

"Blood poors down alot."

"Foxy then started cutting my arms."

"Long deep and deep i could see foxy's eyes it has alot of bloodlust. I looked to where freddy was at he was crying alot."

"Foxy then stabbed and ripped my chest
Exposing my organs he pulled my intestines. By now i was losing my vision then suddenly"

"There was a noice in the front door of the house then another one. Foxy then cut alot on me there are 10 short cuts and 4 long and deep cuts on my arm then 20 short cuts on my leg 4 on my face."

"Then suddenly the basement door was bashed down and a swat team arrived before i could pass out one of the swat members grabbed me and freddy and took us to the ambulance,"

"Freddy also suffered alot of cuts on the face mouth arms legs shoulder and gis heart was exposed aswell but not danaged Freddy's condition isn't brutal as mine.Both me and freddy's condition is on critical."

"Foxy was arrested for attempted murder and Kidnapping."

(foxy's 18 at this point)

"We both we're sent to a coma luckily one of the hospital bed is large enought for 2 people to be in we would be in this hospital for around 3-6 months."

Chica's PoV (Saturday)

"I was with my mom and dad eating dinner chi and came to the dining room and told us to go to the tv and watch the news."

Breaking news

"College student Foxy Fegan Franklin has attempted to murder
2 victims named Freddy Franklin Fazbear and Bonnie Brooks Bunny earlier today"

"One of the neighbourhood heard the screams of Bonnie Brooks and they immediately called the swat team Freddy Franklin said that Bonnie Brooks just went to the Cafè and went ot fetch soke coffee then Foxy fegan asked them a favor them then they arrived at the scene and used sleeping gas and tied both of the victims."

"One of the victims sustained a very critical condition that his intestines is exposed and the other is his heart exposed the two are now in coma and foxy fegan was sent to prison for attempted murder and kidnapping. The two victims are now sent to St.Peters Hospital

(i just made that location up don't look it up on Google)

"I was shocked about this i told my parents that i will drive their to the hospital and they just said."

"We're going their finish your food and then we get ready to go to the hospital"

"Once i finished eating i immediately called spring while i was dressing up."

"Hey spring you heard the news?"I said getting anything i need as soon as possible

"No i was busy playing anyways why are you in a hurry." Spring sais clueless if what is happening

"We will drive to your place and fetch you this is an emergency we will go to the hospital golden is there already." I told spring

"Alright sure" Spring said getting ready

"I got all the things i needed and headed to the car and we drive to springs house and he was there waiting."

"Okay im here what happened why are we going to the hospital and why is freddy and bonnie not answering."

"Okay here's what happened me my dad my mom and chi saw the news and bassically foxy attemted murder and kidnapped freddy and bonnie." I told spring and he was shocked

"Why did he di that to fred and bon?" Spring said tearing up quietly

"I dont know freddy sustained a critical condition his heart was exposed but no damage but he has cuts but not long and deep. Bonnie has the most critical his chest was ripped out his entire intestine is exposed bonnie has long and deep cuts everywhere they are both in a coma," i told spring everything

"Is golden in that massacre." Concerened for golden

"No but he is in the hospital right now." I said we are near at the hospitak

"Oh god.." Spring said not happy about what happend

"We arrived and my parents checked us in and told us its room 209."

(Haven't been in a coma for 16 years so i had no idea what is even in the coma)

"We entered and we saw Freddy and Bonnie sleeping and on the side is golden ben red shafred and shabon and freddy's parents and even mangle!?"

"Hey mangle what are you doing here." I said why is mangle here

"I heard all of their screams i was so scared on what was happening so i couldn't do anything or i would have the same fate."mangle said scared of what happened

"How about you red and ben go outside while we talk?" I said cheering her up

"Mr. and ms. Fazbear how about we talk outside for a bit." My parents sais

"With pleasure,"

"What was foxy even thinking." I said pissed off of foxy

"He was jealous because Foxy loved Freddy but then Freddy fell for Bonnie." Golden said

"Wait really i thought they we're just friends?" I said Confused on what is happening

"No Bonnie and Freddy had been dating" Golden said

"Since when!?!" Spring yelled out

"2 weeks ago." Golden sais with a straight answer

"bonnie is living with freddy so technically i lived with bonnie."Holden said again

"So bonnie moved from the apartment to Your house"Spring said to Golden

"What confused me the most is why did Bonnie went in the cafè in the first place" i said trying to find out what caused this

"he goes on that cafè every week and he gains poins everytime he orders so he can get a price." Golden said straight forward

"But right now he can't continue that of their condition their exposed hearts and chest were stiched up by the way" Golden said

"Hopefully both of them are alright" i said worried for bonnie and freddy.

Hey this took me like 4 hours
An hour of thinking
An hour of what will fit and not
And 2 hours of making it
Hopefully this makes up yesterdays story.

1663 words

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