Chapter 20 | November 25

Start from the beginning

He slammed the door shut and I heard it lock. Now the hell begins. Welcome to my personal hell day. November 25.


I'm not sure when they left. I'm usually pretty out of it when they are done, although I do remember some parts. I remember being beaten up by Alex and Oliver while I was strapped to a chair. I remember the taunts and the threats. But when they start taking off my clothes, I usually go numb. By then, I'd been beaten so well I couldn't fight, even if I wanted. So I lie there and hear the sick way they talk to me. I feel their rough, calloused, unclean hands run over my body.

I hear how they fight on who gets me first. I hear, smell, touch, sense everything. But I don't see anything, except my tears. I don't let them fall, I don't let them see me break, but the moment they leave me. I huddle near a corner and break down. By then, the need to wipe my face is over, it's already swollen and bruised. I don't need to worry about that anymore.

I just lie in the corner, naked, cold, afraid, vulnerable and exposed. They lie there and wonder what I did. What I said. But nothing comes to mind, because I'm numb. I'm emotionless. I've cried so much I couldn't cry if I tried.

I try to stand up. I scream in pain. I hold my breath hoping they've already gone out again. I don't hear drunken laughter, I don't hear footsteps. I'm alone. I push myself off the ground, my legs shake with each step I take. Then I feel something, an emotion. Anger, hurt, betrayal, sadness. I guess the pain made me cry again. It could make even the most macho men cry.

Slowly but surely I end up in the bathroom. I see my red face, barely seeing my skin underneath. My hair is a mess. My body on display. Then I feel it. The bile rises up, pushing its way through no matter how hard I breathe.


I'm walking now, doing the same old routine. She's expecting me, always. I shoot her a text and try to walk without limping so much. By now my body is used to the pain. I don't know if it makes it better or worse. I keep my face down and eyes on the road. I don't need to attract attention from strangers. I slowly but surely make my way there. I feel light someone lit a fire inside of me but I push through. It's not like it's the first time. Eventually, I'm at the hospital, I walk in and go to the receptionist.

"Hi, I'm looking for Sloane. Sloane Wesley." "Do you have an appointment?" "That won't be necessary, come on in Bella." I don't look up. I follow the sound of her voice until I walk into her office.

"Let me see." I'm hesitant. "Let me see Bella. I need to know what I'm working with here."

I look up and see the pain and agony that takes over her face. She falls back onto the chair. "Bel-" She can't talk. She pulls me in and I wince. She makes me sit on her chair while she looks at me. My stomach, my face, my arms. "Arms and legs are fine, they're only bruised, as for the face and stomach, it's gonna take some time to clean up."

I nod and let her do her thing. I see the anger now. Her veins pop out of her forehead. She looks almost murderous. I can only imagine the thoughts circulating in her head now.

When she's done, she calls a number. "Judy, cancel my 12 o'clock appointment." She hangs up. I still find myself unable to look at her. She's cleaned the scratches, she's put makeup on me to help, but I saw the damage, I know it still shows, some of it anyway.

"How long are you gonna let him do this? How long are you gonna be silent about i-"

"I'll be silent for as long as it takes." I look at her

"He hurts you!"

"I never said that, and as long as I haven't confirmed it you are still unable to call child protective services. We had a deal. Thanks for the help Sloane, but I'm leaving."

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