How long could we keep it?

Start from the beginning

"Did you ask him to?" Asked Dream. Cross nodded. Dream sighed. "Did you ask Nightmare?" Cross nodded again. "What did he say?"

"He said that they were best friends and that he is not dead, but he is gone?" Said Cross confusedly. Dream sighed and started walking towards one of the cabinets in the art room. He opened it slowly.

It looked old, as if it hadn't been open in years. Dream took out a small box and a painting?

He brought them to a table quickly. He pointed at one of the people on the painting. "This is Error."

There where two people in the painting. One of them, Cross recognized to be Nightmare though he looked much younger. He also looked much happier and not so depressed.

The second person was a black boned Skelton. He had blue lines going down his multicolored eyes, and a couple glitches all over his body. He looked annoyed, but also had a light blush on his face, as Nightmare hugged him.

"He WAS one of Nightamare's best friends before he......left." Dream hid the reality of Nightmare's relationship with Error, for Nightmare's sake.

"Where IS he?" Asked Cross.

They all looked like they were thinking for a while, except Dream and Ink. "It's complicated. The point is that he was very close to Nightmare and it might take time for him to actually try to answer your questions." Explained Dream.

"Is he.............coming back?" Asked Cross.

Most of them shook their heads slowly. Dream sighed. "We don't know, but most likely no." He handed Cross the box he took out. "Don't show it to Nightmare, but it has pictures of Error inside." Cross nodded and hid the box under a table so that Nightmare wouldn't see it when he came back.
Cross only had a few more people to ask. Right now he was hoping to ask the question in Reaper's group. They were now in the library, though opposite of Geno's group, who would mostly read to themselves or to another person, Reaper's group was just taking. About whatever they wanted.

Having mini conversation and one big conversation. Cross thought it was a good time to ask. "Do you guys know anything about...... Error?" He asked.

Everything went silent. "Did something bad happen with him?" Asked Cross.

"No. Why do you say that?" Asked Dust nervously.

Cross was about to answer, but Outer interrupted him. "Error!" He had been the only one that was actually reading silently in the corner.

"Who told you about him?" He asked in the same manner as Lust earlier, except he was more excited.

"Uhh, Classic." He responded. "But I asked him to." He reassured. They all nodded.

"Error was one of my best friends. He loved to see the stars just like me and we would play in the snow when it was winter and-" Outer was cut off.

"Snow?" He asked. They all looked at Cross with faces of shock.

"You don't know what snow is?" Asked Outer. Cross shook his head, this seemed to make Outer even more excited. "Snow is like rain, but it's like frozen at the right temperature for it not to be ice." Explained Outer. Cross was very interested.

"Where is it?" Asked Cross.

"It comes out in winter, so it might come soon." Said Outer. Cross nodded. He was very excited. He took out the box that Dream had given him earlier. Everyone seemed to recognize it and scooted closer to Cross.

He opened it. There were many pictures and mini paintings of this Error guy inside. Outer grabbed one. It had him and presumably Error staring at a sky full of stars. Some of them were even close enough for them to hold, though these were most likely Outer's.

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