SAPNAP @sapnapalt
mom, dad, belle and dream
are fighting on my timeline
USER @user1
i thought belle and dream were
your mom and dad
TOMMY @tommyinnit
how would belle and dream have
sapnap as their kid?
TUBBO @tubbolive_
well tommy, when two people love
each other very much...


"that looks horrible." kayden said walking into the kitchen.

"it tastes good." belle said in defence.

"what does it look like?" dream asked.

"look." she said turning her camera round to face her lunch.

"i'm with kayden on this one. that looks horrendous." he said in disgust.

"it's carbonara! how can it look bad?" she huffed turning the camera to face her again.

"i don't know man but that's horrid." he shook his head.

"dream just agreed with me, my life is complete." kayden said putting his hand on his heart.

"alright stop fan-girling and go play xbox or something." she said shooing him away.

"alright alright i'm going." he said picking an apple up on the way out.

"i like him." dream smiled.

"that's just cause he's rude to me." belle scoffed.

"it is indeed." he nodded.

the pair sat and talked for an hour before dream left to film a video for tommy's channel which would probably be titled 'dream makes minecraft 1000% funnier"

belle walked through to the living room where her mum and dad were talking quietly.

"hi guys." she smiled taking a seat next to her mum.

"hi sweetie, who were you talking to through there?" she replied intrigued.

"it was clay." the girl grinned ear to ear.

"will we ever be meeting this clay?" her dad spoke up.

"i'm not sure, obviously he lives in florida but i think he might be coming to visit next month." she thought out loud, "you could always meet him then."

"did you meet his parents when you were in florida?" her mum asked softly.

"i did!" belle nodded, "they're super sweet, i also met his siblings who are also so amazing."

"does he treat you well?" her dad asked sternly.

"dad we aren't dating, but yes he does." she affirmed, "he's a great guy."

"you like him." her mum stated.

"what?" she asked.

"you like clay." she smiled, "it's obvious, it's like when you had a crush on that marcus boy in your class but times ten."

"we aren't getting into this right now." belle replied, her cheeks turning pink.


tommy just asked me where babies come from

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

tommy just asked me
where babies come

then he asked if nick
was our kid

belle im not talking
to him about this

he won't stop asking
how you make babies

i think he might be
winding you up 🤨

i know he is but i don't
know how to respond

he just asked me what
pussy meant in all the
rap songs

kill me now

it means cats obviously 🙄

this kid will be the death
of me

just leave the vc ;)

i'm going to in a minute

call me when you do

of course :)


and he did, twenty minutes later belles phone was ringing with her favourite contact.

"hey bells." the blonde smiled wide.

"hi clayton." she beamed, "guess what."

"what?" he answers curiously.

"my mum and dad want to meet you." she said while winking.

"oh do they now? guess i definitely need to come visit next month then." he smiled, "guess you'll get your hoodie back."

"oh yeah i forgot about that." the girl laughed.

"so what's up?" he asked happily.

"wanna play some gta?" she asked excitedly.

"sure." he nodded propping his phone up against his pc.

"awesome!" she grinned running up the stairs to her bedroom, "oh wait i never gave you a room tour."

"you didn't." he agreed.

"right so," she said opening her door, "as soon as you walk in to your left you can see my old set up and my desk with my plants and galaxy lamp."

"and next to it here is my little hang out bit where i used to paint my nails, and cross from there is my desk where i would get ready in the mornings for school." she smiled.

"then to the right we have my beautiful bed and next to it is my hanging chair where i would usually do homework, then there is my shelves with tons of pictures from high school and neon signs. and then there is my mirror." she said before turning the camera to face her again.

"i love it, it looks kinda similar to your room now, but a little bigger." he said nodding.

"yeah this ones a little bigger." she agreed, "now, gta time." she grinned.

authors note

i realised we are 37
chapters in and they
still haven't even kissed
or confessed their feelings
to one another

but don't worry i have
everything planned ;]

not story related but
my vaccination has been
pushed back so i don't
know when i'm getting
it which is kinda annoying :[

as always, take care of
yourself. i love you and
you are enough. if anyone
is ever struggling or just
wants a friend my messages
are always open <3

faceless | dreamwastakenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें