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You are in poland for holiday and you really like it there.You are here with your parents and siblings but now you're on a walk because you needed some fresh air.It's getting darker and you want to go home.But where to go?You don't know anymore where you are and what way to go.Suddenly you see a big hotel-like house and you think 'Maybe I can knock there' Then you took all your courage together,went to the door and knock.

Suddenly the door is opened and you see a beautiful blonde woman with blue eyes.Agnetha Fältskog??Oh my god?"Can I somehow help you?"she asked and you stuttered "Yeah....Ehm,I was on a walk and got lost." "Oh,how about you stay the night here and tomorrow morning I'll bring you to your home?" I nodded and thanked her many times."If you don't mind me ask,why are you currently in Poland?" you asked shyly.

She smiled at you and answered "We are here for our performances." You nodded and asked "Do you like Poland "Actually I do.Ever since we were leaving for tour I was very excited." I smiled and she went with me to the living room .She shortly called someone and then said to me "The other three will be here in the late night.They went partying and I didn't want to.I told them that you'll be sleeping here." "Okay" you nod.

Agnetha looked at you and asked "Do you want something to eat?Or to drink?" You thought for a bit and answered "To eat not but to drink gladly,thanks.What do you have to offer?" After a few minutes you both had a glass of alcohol and began to talk about random things.

You couldn't stop looking at Agnetha's lips and you saw her glancing at them too.With every drink they both began to get tipsy,especially Agnetha."Can I take a shower?" I asked and Agnetha nodded "Sure.Let me show you where it is." she said and leaded you to the bathroom.As you went into the bathroom she sunndenly asked you "Can I shower with you?" You look at her mixed shocked and happy "S....sure."

Agnetha went in and you both undress yourselves.You smile shyly and turn the shower on.Both of you go into the shower and start showering.Suddenly you feel her hand on your shoulder.You immediately know what she wants to do and you want this too.You look up and Agnetha grins at you.You grin back and before you can even think straightly,you feel her lips on yours.

The kiss is getting wilder and she goes with her hands to your breasts and starts caressing them which makes you moan a little.Agnetha seems to like hearing your mosn and her hands go more down.Shortly before reaching your private area and grins cheekily you and now you know,she's definitely teasing you."Come on,Agnetha.Please!" you beg and when her hands finally reach your private area you can't suppress a moan.While she's caressing you there,you're moans are getting much louder.

Agnetha then starts kissing your body and goes up to your neck where she starts kissing you wildly.After this you both intertwine in a long and very passionate kiss.

Lmao,here is a new chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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