Chapter 6 Part A

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 This time around the chapter will be split into Part A and B!


Ludwig found himself in the field once more. The scattered skies, the bright light and the all too familiar scent. He could feel the grass touch his hands, tickling slightly like always. 

Like clockwork, the familiar voice called out to him again.


The field was no longer there. The calmness faded and he only felt fear. He turned around. 

A distorted face was looking at him. A child...?


He couldn't understand what the child was saying. The words were static and incoherent.


I can't... I can't hear you!!


Feliciano tossed around in his bed, unable to find the sweet spot to fall back into sleep to. 

He kept hearing muffled noises; he didn't know what it was or where it came from, but it was loud enough to wake him from his precious sleep. He remarked it was out of the ordinary for the usually eerie mansion. The sound would stop every now and then, just to come back the moment he was dozing off. It was only getting louder and louder. Feliciano hesitantly got out, as it was creeping him out the longer it continued. He followed the sound to the best of his ability as he stumbled his way around the room and closer to the door.

Like a switch it clicked. Feliciano looked towards the door to the hallway with a panicked look.

It sounded like screaming from Ludwig's room.

Moments later he found himself standing in the hallway, dressed only in the boxers he had gone to bed in. His adrenaline was pumping his heart to the max, stressing him to the extreme. After a moment of hesitation he carefully swung the door open, the dim lights in the hallway illuminated the dark room. He squinted to see anything threatening worth running away for. 

The only thing in the room was Ludwig, making inaudible screams and flinging himself against his bed.

Feliciano instinctively took his hands to his face, trying to comprehend what was happening. The calm and collected man he was used being around was now in a state of distress, his usually slicked back hair was stuck to his forehead by sweat, his screams sounding agonizing with every move and twist. He was on the verge to hyperventilating where he laid, straining every muscle in his body, fighting something.

Feliciano didn't know what to do, other than rush over to his bed. Was it safe to wake him? 

"Ludwig... please" he tried, talking carefully. 

It didn't work. 

"Please, you're okay.. you're gonna be.. Ludwig you'll be okay in a moment" Feliciano comforted a little louder, crying more as he stood over him. Between the movements he managed to put his right hand on his shoulder, giving him a gentle shake. "I'm here Ludwig, it's me Feliciano.." he began, before putting his other hand on the left shoulder, gently pinning him down to stop the trembling. His body fell limp against the light pressure.

"You.. .. don't... und.. no ple.. " Ludwig uttered, face twisting in a painful grimace.

"Oh Ludwig, what is happening" he whispered. Feliciano moved his hands from his shoulders to cup his face. "Ludwig, it's Feliciano, you're safe, you're safe now" 

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