Fateful meeting

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- I keep editing this first chapter bear with me lol -


The field Ludwig found himself in was vibrant and bright. He didn't know where he was, but the scenery took his breath away. The skies were scattered, letting the morning sun reach every corner of the field. The grass let out a familiar scent. He had the feeling he had graced this field before, somehow.

The mid-rise grass tickled his hands ever so slightly as he held them out. He closed his eyes, taking in everything he could sense and feel. Just as he prepared to walk further into the field..


His eyes snapped open.

A dream again he thought, sighing tiredly. He couldn't resist the big yawn that followed.

He sluggishly sat up in his king sized bed, staring blankly into the morning lit room. It took a while for him to comprehend anything, before sinking back into his bed. He let out a breathy sigh, unable to resist the big yawn that followed. It seemed to be a reoccuring dream, despite him never being able to remember it properly. Neither did he manage to get past the voice calling for him, having every dream end abruptly, as fast as the voice called out. His brother, Gilbert, would brutally awake him during those dreams looking worried and scared. It used to happen more frequently during their childhood. Ludwig had no good explanation for it himself.

After a while though, Ludwig came to the conclusion there was no more time to waste.

He quickly got out of bed, folding the comforter and re-arranging the pillows as if nobody had slept there just a minute ago. And within five minutes of everything, he was ready dressed. His outfit consisted of a clean, dark looking suit along with neat black shoes. Around his neck hung a heavy iron cross which always accompanied him. His thick blond hair was neatly slicked back, having no stray strands sticking out. If everything had gone according to schedule he would be meeting a new member of the staff today. He wasn't neccesarily nervous or stressed. Although people seemed to get the wrong impression of him.

By the time the clock hit 08:30 Ludwig was ready. If he had read the papers Gilbert put on his private desk correctly, the new member had extensive experience being a butler and preparing foods from different cultures. Making Italian cuisine was his strong point, but there was also some experience with Austrian and German food. Something about it made him undeniably intrigued. German food would always be his favorite, even if the other cultures' food's were tempting.

 A quick look at his clock confirmed he had about a half hour before he came.


Feliciano awkwardly reached into his right jacket pocket.  He brought out a crumbled piece of paper, which he had to un-crumble to decipher. 

"Beilschmidt Manor" he read out, confirming the same name stood on the open gate in front of him.

He couldn't quite believe how far out in nowhere he was, despite just being outside the city and of course far out into the woods. Looking higher up from the gates, he got a proper look at the gigantic mansion in front of him. He wondered if he were to wait for someone to guide him in, or if he was to walk through the beautiful garden by inviting himself in.

The skies were like cotton, gently packing the sun from the harshest of lights, giving the perfect brightness and warmth. Feliciano loved beautiful days like this. He couldn't resist walking off the path leading to the door and into the garden. It had neatly trimmed trees and beautiful flowers in various patterns, which seemed to have been carefully planned out for the best aesthetic view. He hoped working here would let him explore more of the garden on beautiful days just like today.

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