The Nightmares of Hermione Granger

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Hey! So the next few chapters are a little different than what I normally do, as you can see it actually has a title. It's pretty self explanatory haha, I basically wanted to explain more about the traumatic experiences Hermione had during the Horcrux Hunt and the War. Hope you enjoy it!


There are going to be some dialogue from the actual Deathly Hallows book and movie in this chapter. They were NOT created by me, they were created by J.K. Rowling

'◆◆◆' means dream sequence ;D


Night 1

Unfortunately, it was nighttime in London, Borough of Islington, which meant that Hermione had to sleep.

She lay on the bed, her hands locked together on her stomach, staring at the dark ceiling. The images of Ron were gone. She turned away from the ceiling, looking at both sides of the room. Nothing. Nothing except for the furniture.

Hermione wondered why she was seeing images of Ron earlier. It confused her, because he wasn't there. He was out somewhere, in either Muggle or Wizard London, anywhere but her flat. Hermione had been seeing things, yet she didn't know why. Perhaps she had gotten too shaken with all the bad memories of Ron in that flat to the point where she had started to see things. Perhaps her mind had taken those memories from her head and put it somewhere she could see. It was a ridiculous theory, but it was just an idea.

Suddenly, Hermione heard a knock on her door. She heard the door open and the lights switch, and found Harry leaning on the door with a warm blanket in hand. "Okay, I know I said goodnight, but it's a bit chilly here. How about something warm?" He said as he came into the room, "You might get cold."

Hermione took the blanket gratefully, setting it down on the bed. "Thanks, Harry," She replied.

Harry nodded as he crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side. "You need anything warmer? I could always run back and-"

Hermione shook her head. "No. I think this will do fine. Thank you though, Harry."

Harry nodded once more and they both looked uncertainly at each other, the room filling with an awkward silence. Not being able to bear it anymore, Hermione broke it, saying, "Well, I suppose I should be getting some sleep. Goodnight, Harry."

The boy's green eyes blinked, letting his crossed arms fall back to his sides. "Right," He said as he made for the door.

Once he reached for the doorknob Harry looked back, his lips quirking up into a small, affectionate smile. "Goodnight, Hermione."

And with that, Harry closed the door, leaving Hermione all alone in the bed of his guest room.

She was extremely drained from the events of today, but she willed herself not to sleep. She couldn't. Not with the nightmares waiting for her in the dreamland. Ever since the war, Hermione had dreamt of horrible things. Things that had occurred in the past that she could never escape.

They were horrific; so immensely terrifying for her to even comprehend. They were nightmares of Hermione's past, traumatizing memories that occurred during the wizarding war. The memories had been burned into Hermione's mind, but the nightmares almost made it a reality once more.

Just hours before, Hermione had discovered that Ron, or the new stranger he became, was in her nightmares too. She had fallen asleep and dreamt of him in a fit of rage. Not only did he haunt her in her flat and her memories, he also was able to reach Hermione's dreams. She couldn't even fall asleep without him following her.

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