Chapter Two

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Before she knew what she was doing, Hermione found herself blasting all of Ron's clutter to oblivion. The bottles, his clothes, even his toothbrush. Everything that reminded Hermione of Ron- exploded to smithereens.

She knew that she wasn't thinking reasonably, that this was most likely the most illogical thing that she had done in her life. But for now, Hermione let all of her logic fade away and continued to demolish all of Ron's junk.

Anger coursed through her. The hand that held her wand was shaking as she blasted Ron's mess into nonexistence. Hermione casted the muffliato charm and began to scream the spells at the top of her lungs without a care in the world.

She tuned out all of her other feelings and put them at the back of her mind. Only one drove her at this moment- fury. And though sadness kept creeping back into her consciousness, Hermione forced herself to ignore it. She would not cry while she still had to finish her job; To blow all evidence of Ron's existence out of her flat.

Once she was sure that she destroyed all indications that the ginger haired git had lived here, and trashed the house in the process, Hermione simply waved her wand wearily and everything left over was repaired and put back into place.

Tiredness suddenly seeped all over Hermione's body, and her throat stung from screaming. She looked at the clock that sat still on her side table in the living room. It was now 2:13 a.m.. Hermione now realised how exhausted she was. Her eyes began to droop and she let out a loud exhale, letting the mix of feelings flood throughout Hermione's mind that she ignored earlier. Anger, relief, sadness, and guilt. Guilt, because she wasn't sure that what she did was right.

Was leaving Ron the right thing to do? Yes, he was a little out of control sometimes when he was drunk, but when he wasn't, he was so sweet and considerate of Hermione. Perhaps if she just tried a little harder, this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if she didn't go back to Hogwarts to finish up her education, she would have been able to prevent Ron from even starting to drink.

It's all my fault, Hermione thought. Tears sprung in her eyes and she collapsed on the couch.

It's all my fault. She pulled her blanket across her body as the tears that she had been fighting to keep in finally broke free.

If she hadn't gone back to finish school, if she hadn't put her blasted education first, then none of this would have happened. Ron would be sober. He wouldn't have gotten so violent. Hermione felt the cheek that he had hit an hour before. It was beginning to swell, but she was too exhausted to stand.That wouldn't have happened if she had been there for him. She would have been able to help him through the aftermath of the war. But no, she had chosen to leave him.

A shudder racked her bones as she burst out sobbing. It was all her fault.

The words stabbed her like a sharp knife. She sobbed, long and hard, for a considerable amount of time. All of the feelings she had bottled in for months finally burst out through a river of tears. Even as she closed her eyes, she saw the words in red flit before her.

It's all my fault.



Aww, poor Hermione. She needs some hugs :'(

That's the second chapter! Very short, but next time you'll be getting a longer one, promise. I hope you enjoyed Hermione's little explosions scene. 

No Harry yet, but he will definitely be in the next chapter.  Just a reminder to please give me some feedback, and don't forget to vote! 

I'll see you loves next time!

- Em

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