"Is this some type of sick joke dude!? Getting me out here saying that you have Tala" I say getting angry and about to punch him.

"Hey wait no, I didn't bring you here. I got a text from this unknown to be here because they have Tala. What are you doing here?" He says holding his hand up.

"I got the same text you did," I say, taking a deep breath.

"Why did they text you to come and get Tala thought?" Rudi questions but I just shrug because I don't want him knowing that we are mates just yet. The only thing that I cared about was getting Tala back. Then a black car pulls up in front of us and a group of guys gets out of the car. They look like warriors from the rogue pack.

"Where is Tala?" I say in my alpha voice.

"Tala is not here, but if you want to see her you will have to come with us," one of the warriors said. I looked over at Rudi and it seemed that we had the same thought in mind.

"No, we aren't going with you. We don't even know if you have her or not" I said.

"If you are willing to take your chances, then that is on you. If you do not come with us then Tala will be killed" one of the guys said and Rudi and I growled. I took a deep breath and nodded my head and so did Rudi.

"That is good. Now leave your phones and put this over you guy's head" he says and throws up two sacks. I handed one to Rudi and we put it over our head. I pulled out my phone and dropped it, and I heard Rudi do the same. They help us get into the car without tripping then we are off to wherever we are going. All I can think about on the car ride is how pissed my dad will be if he knew what was happening, and how I am going to get Tala back. We drove to the location which felt like forever with the sack over my head. I don't think they took a straight shot to the location, they maybe took some extra paths to get there so we don't know exactly where we are. The car stops and the men open the door for us and take the sacks off our heads. I look at my surroundings and we are in the middle of the woods somewhere and there is this abandoned mansion. The house was overtaken by nature with vines growing in the house, broken windows, the paint is chipping away. It has not been taken care of in years. The men tell us to go inside and once we go in there are people everywhere. Kids are playing around, women are making food, and men are training and working out. It seems like they have their things in order around here. We walk upstairs to the 4th floor and go into the master bedroom.

"Hey, guys! I have been waiting for you for a while now. I am so happy to see you" the alpha rogue says.

"Where is Tala?" I say cut to the chase.

"Wow, no hello or how are you. I understand that is the reason why you both came here, but there has been a change in the plan. You guys are not leaving to go anywhere until I say that you can" he says.

"What do you want from us?!" Rudi yells at the alpha.

"Well of course I want both of the packs. I want more power duh. The easiest way to take over the pack is to get to the alpha and one of the most important things to an alpha. The alpha's heirs of course and that are why I have both of you here. I knew that you both have a connection to Tala, so I took her to get you both here. Oh, and if you guys try to leave, I will kill Tala on spot without a second thought. Now you guys will go be with her in the cell" he says and claps his hand and warriors come in and take us all the way down in the cellar.

It seems like they made a makeshift holding cell and Tala was in there. Tala saw us and her face lit up, I had to hold back my tears. It has been so long since I have seen her. The warriors put us in the cell.

"Oh my gosh Tala you are okay," Rudi says, opening his arms expecting a hug. Tala runs up to him but passes him to hug me.

"I knew that you would come for me," Tala says holding me tighter.

"Wait for a second, what is going on here?" Rudi questions.

"Rudi, remember the night of my birthday. Well when we found out that we weren't mates and I ran off, I found my mate. My mate is Nova and ever since then we have been dating" Tala says.

"I should have seen this coming because why else would you break up with me," Rudi says trying to understand what is happening.

"Just want to say that you guys were mates in the first place" I chime in and Tala looks at me with a 'like really' face.

"I know we have been going after it for as long as I remember, but if anyone was her mate I am happy that it is you," Rudi says with his hand out and I shake his hand.

"Thank you, Rudi, that means a lot coming from you. Now let's get back to business on how we are going to get out of here. Tala, why haven't you escaped yet?" I ask, looking at Tala and she shows me her hands that have scars on them.

"The cell is made out of silver. Trust me I have tried and tried to get out of this cell many times" Tala says and I check on her hands. Silver is the only weakness of werewolves. It doesn't burn us, it is just impossible for us to break.

"I am okay, they have been like this for a while now," she says and I give her another hug and we all sit down.

"Look we are going to be down here for a bit unless we come with a bulletproof plan. All they do is come down here three times a day to give us food and water" Tala says and I am just happy that they were feeding her the whole time. We sat there for a while trying to come up with a plan, but nothing was sticking so we all fell asleep for the rest of the night. Other than me, I was having a hard time sleeping because I was keeping watch. I didn't want someone coming down here and taking Tala away from me again. While I was just laying there up all night, I heard the door open and two people came in. They started to talk and I could tell that one of the voices of the alpha, but the other one I couldn't tell. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't figure it out.

"See we have everyone down here like you said," the alpha says.

"Good everything is going as planned just how I wanted it," the unknown voice says.

"I am happy about that because I don't know how much longer I have to pretend to be the alpha. I am your highest rank warrior, but it just feels wrong. I am not supposed to be alpha, that is your job. I don't want to put a bad name on our rep" the alpha said, well fake alpha said.

"See this is why you are my best warrior. You know what the right way is in wolf life. You listen to your alpha and do as told, but don't worry. You won't have to pretend for too long until I reveal myself and get my revenge" the unknown voice says.

"Okay sir and don't worry I will handle everything here," the fake alpha says.

"Good and make sure nothing happens to her. You know she is my sister and I don't want anything bad to happen to her" the unknown voice says. 

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