"Kehlani She kinda looks like you" she looked up at me.

"That's because she's my child y/n/n"

"Wait- I'm sorry what?" She looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Y/n you heard me. That's my daughter"

"Oh... here can you take her for a second" she handed her to me got up, took off her hat, and looked at me.

"I'll be back" she walked out and I leaned my head back.

"Give her a second to process what she just heard." Jamari said.

Adeya started crying and y/n walked back in with her hoodie off and her shirt is kind of wet.

"So... is she mine?"

"I didn't have sex with anyone after you"

"What about before?"

"Y/n you know we were Fuck buddies and you know we made a deal not to have sex with anyone else"

"Okay..." she started pacing around and then after a while she just plain stopped in her footsteps.

"Hold the fuck up... you knew she was mine- and didn't fucking tell me??" She raised her voice a little which made Adeya jump and start crying.

"Y/n Don't raise your voice at my sister" Jamari sat up straight.

Adeyas crys started getting louder and y/n just stared at me rocking her as I got up.

"Let me get her" she put her hands out and I handed her Adeya.

"I'm sorry princess" she rocked her as she walked around.

"Princess?" I looked over at Makayla and rolled my eyes because she had her dumbass "I told you so" fucking look.

"She's hungry"

"How, if I fed her a little while ago?"

"She's hungry kehlani"


"Kehlani my mom used to say that when I was a baby, she knew I was hungry because my cry was quivery. And if she's anything like I am... she's definitely hungry." She held deydey and kept bouncing her around.

"So do you breast feed or do you feed her Enfamil?"

"Breast feed"

"Okay" she handed her to me and I positioned her while y/n put the cover over me and Adeya. She pulled the chair over and leaned back as she stared up at the ceiling.

She stayed quiet for minutes just staring.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Y/n why would I? You were hoeing around and to be completely honest I was pretty sure I wasn't the only female you were having sex with."

"For one I kept my word with you when I said I would only have sex with you if we ended up being fuck buddies. Regardless if I did or didn't sleep with any other women, I would've liked to know that my was child growing inside of you" she was now looking at my face and I don't know if she was upset, disappointed, scared, shocked, or happy. Probably all of the above.

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