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"What you up to?" i texted the book store owner with whom i currently share the bookstore ownership with, i can definitely imagine he's probably holed up reading a boring book and will now proceed to explain it to me till i fall asleep. It's a good thing i did text him, i needed help falling asleep anyway.


My phone lit up within a second.

"I'm on a date currently"

Oh hello? I guess the fuck not?

I shot up from the bed, my fingers ready to type out a dissertation worth of questions. My curiosity filled to the brim, "OMG WHOMST? SPILL!" i replied back with urgency, violently covering my mouth with palm with excitement.

"nobody you know"

His replies are beyond boring. Men in general text with no flavor, no taste. It's like reading the encyclopedia but you don't actually learn anything. It's just words.

"Ok obviously smart ass, spill the deets" i rolled my eyes, when is he gonna get on the girls' level?

There was a pause

Maybe i shouldn't be texting this guy in the middle of a literal date, i am definitely bored but this is a little rude.

Deciding to hound him the next day, i kept my phone away, ready to indulge myself with some cookies and TV.



"Edward set us up, it's alright, not really feeling it"

I sighed, he's too harsh i immediately felt bad for whoever he was with, "Give them a chance omg don't be rude"

Walking over to the kitchen counter to look for the cookies, i found myself glued to the screen, "Tell me about it tomorrow, now go have fun grandpa" i joked, putting my phone aside for good, grabbing the packet of chocolate chip cookies to run upstairs to the bedroom and cover myself under the sheets like a mummy.

Scurrying up like a raccoon with the packet of cookies, i hopped onto the bed. I find myself repeating this process the past few days, being in a colossal apartment all to myself, all i did was stay buried inside the sheets like a fossil. And that's how I found myself falling asleep since he left. With the tv running in the background so I don't feel so alone, and so I don't scare myself either.

Episode after episode went by, and I've already gone through the packet in a few minutes, my eyes fluttering shut and my head hitting the soft feather pillow, prepared to sleep through the night.


Is this a dream?

Crude banging woke me up with a jolt, making me sit upright.

What the fuck is that?

Faded sounds of banging coming from downstairs instantly gave me goosebumps, the hair on my skin rise.

It's 11.30 in the night? Who the fuck would wanna come over at this time?

With my phone in my hand, prepared to call for help, i crept downstairs. My heart violently pounding in my chest. This had to happen when Adam wasn't home huh?

Tip toeing towards the door in the dark, i looked through the peephole. Nothing but the bright moonlight illuminating inside the apartment through the open blinds, i forgot to close those.

"Theia it's me" a familiar yet sheepish voice called out me, relief flushing over. At least it's not some strange guy ready to rob and murder me. Oh for fuck sake. "W-what are you doing here?" I inquired as i sluggishly opened the door in my half asleep state.

Always Belong to the KingWhere stories live. Discover now