Chapter 1

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Veira Dea Lupus Point of View

"I love you."

"I love every one of you." Words flew out of my mouth without any restraint. They came out naturally and pretty genuinely as if –

Nine pairs of eyes curved into half moon in absolute empathy as my words touched their hearts. I copied them and half closed my eyes as well telling them silently that I feel for them.

"My heart may lie, my brain may lie, my soul may lie but my mouth; damn thing it only spits truth no matter what." I huffed at myself when I couldn't help but feel ashamed of my habit of speaking only truth.

"What is money? Is it the paper notes that circulates around? Is it the cards from the bank? Is it gold, platinum or silver?" I questioned. "To me, money is trust. Money is not the amount of paper cuttings in hands but it is the amount of reliability invested in lovely people like you."

I looked up at the roof and reminisced something I read few years ago. "Human nature teaches us about loyalty and piety towards family and friends but it doesn't end there; it also teaches us about being a true human by getting along with other humans around us. Through millions of years, this planet has seen many transformations and eras through which we evolved and stand here. This alone means every single creature, every single element on this planet paved way for us through years. Now what, we disregard our own kind?"

My fist slammed softly on the podium while I panted, exhaling the air of determination. All the nine members before me were silent and too focused on what I'm saying. That made me feel better and happy.

Goddess must be looking over me from above!

"High time we set things right. It's high time we behave like a human that were evolved not from apes but from unity and trust." I threw a fist above just as my words hit home into them.


"Yes, she's right."

"She has a point."

"Yes, trust and unity."

"Yes, Yes."

"She is absolutely right. What a smart girl." Were some of the chanting I heard from the group.

My smile grew into a grin when I saw them signing the contract papers without a second thought. In less than ten minutes all the documents are handed over into my hands and all the members walked away giving me a shoulder pat.

Once they walked out of the small building, I collected all the papers, I moved to my place instantly wasting no time.

It was a tough day looking for some good investments for my small firm. Thankfully, I was able to gather some good funds to help put food inside my mouth.

Reaching my small abode, I carefully placed my bag on the rack and sat before my laptop to get the investments work done.

It took me two hours to sort out all the documents and withdraw all the money into the firm's account. The next two weeks I transferred all the funds to the necessary departments and only then was I able to take a breath.

What a harsh life I'm gifted with.

I have no parents, no family, no friends. All through my twenty-one years of life, I raised myself alone with no support. Now that I'm glad to have some money in my hand through work hard and put some food into my mouth, I feel like I'm on a cloud sitting beside the Goddess.

'I love you.' I heard a sickening sweet voice saying.

'I don't think you do.' I retorted back without any hesitation.

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