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two years passed. douma was getting used to this happy feeling. and as those years passed, the relationship between his parents had faltered. whenever he was around them, they were busy yelling and arguing with each other. it irritated him. he wanted to simply tell them to shut up. he didn't care about what they were fighting about.

whenever his parents started fighting, he would immediately leave their side and go look for you. once he was in your presence he would feel much better.

it was about two in the morning, his parents were arguing yet again. not wanting to deal with his immature parents, he left his room and made his way to yours.

as expected, you were fast asleep in you bed with the lights switched off. he slid the door close, making his way over to you. he was slightly upset that you were asleep, it prevented him from talking to you. and he found comfort in your voice. with a shrug, he placed himself next to your sleeping form.


ah, he winced at the sound of your voice, not meaning to wake you up.

"sorry [y/n], i didn't mean to wake you up, please go back to sleep."

"it's fine, are your parents fighting again?" you pushed yourself into a sitting position.

"yeah, they just never shut up. it's so annoying," douma complained.

"i see..." you couldn't help but let out a soft yawn. "you're tired, go back to sleep."

"but i don't want to leave you alone-"

"it's okay, i'll be fine," the young boy reassured. you narrowed your eyes at the sight of eye bags under douma's eyes. "you seem to not be getting enough sleep either."

"well duh, my stupid parents don't know how to shut up."

"you can sleep here you know, i don't mind," you said, giving him a tired smile.

"oh. really?"


without another word, the grey haired boy fell onto your mattress with an exhausted sigh. you layed back down next to him, bringing the blanket over both of your forms.

"good night douma."

"night [y/n]."


"yeah, hopefully they're done arguing by now," douma stated, "thanks for letting me stay the night!"

"it's no problem," you replied with a thumbs up, following him out the room.

the two of you made your way over to douma's room, talking about what to do today. "wanna play hide and seek?" douma suggested. "i'm fine with it, but you need to stop cheating!"

"i didn't cheat, you're just being a sore loser," douma countered, playfully sticking his tongue out at you.

douma slid the door open and stepped into the room with you. a gasp left your lips at the sight in front of you. there was blood every where. you saw douma's father laying on the floor in his own blood. his wife was next to him, dead.

"douma oh my god, your parents!" you grabbed onto his wrist.

any normal person would be scared or crying over the fact that their parents are dead. but when you looked up at douma, he had a blank expression on his face. "douma, are you okay?"

"yeah of course, don't worry about me," he smiled. "but this room stinks..." he said, frowning at the smell of blood.

you were so confused at that moment. why wasn't he upset? instead of showing his concern over his dead parents, he was complaining about the smell of the room.

over the years, you learnt to understand that douma wasn't familiar with emotions. but this, this just showed you how much emotion he was lacking. it was never obvious since he was so genuine around you. but when it came to other people, he was a completely different person.

it was as if the only thing he really cared about was you. you thought that maybe he just had difficulty showing his emotions, but this just proved you wrong. his parents had died. and he felt nothing. douma was simply just lacking emotions. that moment, you understood why he always thanked you out of the blue.

he was grateful that you were helping him with his emotions. though you realised that his emotions only showed whenever he was with you. you didn't think that was a good thing. but to douma, as long as he was feeling something, he was okay with it.

"douma..." you mumbled out, a concerned look on your face.

"i'm sorry, is this making you uncomfortable? i'll ask someone to come clean up this mess, don't worry-"

"douma, your parents are dead. are you okay with that?" you asked.

the young boy only stared down at you in silence. and then he smiled, "of course i'm okay. they didn't mean much to me anyway, plus, i have you with me. i don't need them."

"... i see..." you nodded, trying to understand him. "but... if this actually effects you, then you can always talk to me okay?"

"i know!" douma smiled, pulling you into a contented hug.

but you knew that this friend ship between you and douma wouldn't last long. not after what just happened.

"[l/n] [y/n]!"

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