The dancers comprised of six men and six women which made them a total of twelve sword dancers.

The first style of the dance focused on relaxation and flexibility while the other style focused on speed and strength.

They began whirling, making whiffling sounds with their swords at the sound of the song in the background while dancing a Balkan rusalia, a ritual dance for healing and fertility.

There were animal sacrifices present in order to pray for the fertility of the kingdom.

It was time for the SOLO SWORD DANCE. It's a dance performed individually.

Each Solo Performer wielded his long heavy sword and started dancing in a slow dramatic movement.

Only the men were chosen for this particular dance as they had to dance carefully with a long heavy sword.

After that, it was the MOCK-BATTLE SWORD DANCE. This is a general dance which involves the use of sticks in the dance. It was more of a stick dance.

Lastly it was time for the HILT-AND-POINT SWORD DANCE. In this, each dancer passes his or her sword to the person next to them to form a circle or chain.

A group of six dancers held the hilt of their sword and the point of the swords of the other group of six dancers behind them, forming an intricate usually a circular pattern.

The Dancers began to pass their swords to each other in comfortable pace making them linked together by their swords in a chain. Gradually,the pace increases to a faster rate.

Gabriel suddenly remembered that he had to show servant Jing who was currently performing to his mother, he looked through the crowd in front and sighted him.

Everyone except two people were engrossed in the enjoyable show and didn't notice when Gabby stood up to go to his mother.

One was on the Royal stand with a very dark eyes and Victorious smirk on her face.

While the other was still dancing but her eyes were on her target...PRINCE GABRIEL SUPPASIT

She made an eye contact with the person on the Royal stand and was given a "go ahead" signal

When it was her turn to pass the sword,she acted as if she was hit and fell on the floor and in the process, throwing the sword in her hands to Gabby's direction who was still walking towards his mom.

"Mommy!!!!" Gabby shouted excitedly grabbing everyone's attention

But why was Gulf's expression horror-like and why was Mew running towards Gabby????

"Arrrrrrrrrrr...." Gabby screamed out loud in pain as a sword pierced through his chest,his eyes went wide as he felt an unbearable scorching pain piercing his whole body.

All he remembers is falling in the hands of his father who was screaming something that he couldn't make out, his eyes became heavy and then he lost consciousness.

"Gabbyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!......." Gulf screamed his lungs out as he ran towards Mew who was already crying and running with Gabby in his arms.

"Gabby baby, please don't do this to us, Heavens please!!!!" Mew prayed as he ran like a mad man to Mr Qiang's place who was the healer.

The Royal guards made sure to arrest the woman that did it, whether it was accidental or not.

"One down, well done my brave daughter Jing" the woman on the Royal stand smirked internally.

Gulf finally caught up with Mew while crying. They both reached Mr Qiang's place who was less busy but immediately stood up on seeing the King and the wounded Prince.

He quickly grabbed Gabby from Mew and placed him on his surgical bed.

Gulf took his son's hands into his but became shocked and looked at Mew

"M-Mew?? G-gabby is getting cold,hurry let's warm him up" Gulf shouted while rubbing his son's hand fast and panicking

Mr Qiang looked sadly at the realization,the Prince had given up the ghost.

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