Start from the beginning

Opening her mouth to continue Sarang jumped, her hand flying over her mouth. Her gaze falling onto the pan Yoongi had just dropped. The pair locked eyes before laughing. Sarang smacked his arm pointing her finger at him, "Well look who's waking everyone up now."

"You be quiet or i'm not cooking you ramen."

Sarang bowed deeply, apologizing dramatically. The camera continued to film the pair cooking quietly. Each of them taking turns to apologize whenever they made a loud noise. Eventually, the ramen got cooked and the hot chocolate got made, Yoongi complaining loudly when Sarang put too much whipped cream on his.

Grabbing the small camera Sarang filmed the food before focusing it back on Yoongi and herself. "Goodnight everyone!"


Yoongi's eyes squinted as they adjusted to the morning light. The smell of french toast filled the apartment and the sound of Sarang humming made a sleepy smile appear on his face. Rounding the corner into the kitchen his eyes landed on his girlfriend, her pink hair was faded no longer the bubblegum it had started as, and the shirt she was wearing lifted ever so slightly as she grabbed a plate from an upper cabinet.

"Are you wearing my shirt?"

Sarang's head shot in his direction, rolling her eyes at his comment, "Good morning to you too, and if you mean our shirt then yes I am."

Yoongi laughed quietly when she stuck her tongue out in his direction, he moved out of her way choosing to start on his morning coffee. Waiting for the mug to fill his eyes fell back on her. There was no describing how speechless she made him, every day since their first official date it was like the wind would get knocked out of him and all the words in his mind would float away.

He stepped forward, hands pulling her away from the stovetop. "You're so special."

Sarang giggled, moving to hug him after he pressed a kiss atop her forehead, "And you're feeling sappy this morning."

"No, I mean it," Yoongi pulled her tightly to him, tucking her head under his chin. "I mean seriously how did the universe even come up with you."

Yoongi smiled as Sarang's laughter filled his ears, he walked her backward so she rested against the countertop. "I'm in love with you."

"I've noticed."


Sarang's head buzzed, mostly from the loud music but it also could have been the alcohol. Finding her boyfriend as she made her way out of the bathroom was easy, he never strayed too far away from her in places like these. His suit jacket was undone and so were the top two buttons of his shirt, the cup of whiskey in his hand was the same one from the start of that night.

In his other hand was her drink, which she noticed he was holding closer to his body, farther away from the man he was talking to and the open crowd of people. Making her way over to the pair she smiled politely at the man, who excused himself with the promise to continue their conversation later.

"God he was the most boring person I've met tonight." Yoongi rolled his eyes, setting the whiskey down on the table next to him, "I can't wait till this is over."

Sarang smiled sympathetically, sensing the tiredness in his voice. "Or we could leave now."

"We can't just leave."

"I doubt anyone's going to miss us." Sarang tugged on his arm, pulling herself close to him and bringing her mouth close to his ear. "Just say the word Yoongs and we can bolt."

Yoongi debated for a minute, checking his watch twice before he pulled off his suit jacket and put it around Sarang's shoulders. "Ok, let's go. Follow my lead."

He pulled her through the crowds of people, whispering briefly for her to keep her head down. They stopped suddenly, a few feet away from the door.

Namjoon eyed the pair, mentally scoffing at the lie he was about to hear, "Where are you two going? We still have another hour."

"Sarang's feeling sick, i'm taking her home."

Sarang felt Yoongi pinch her side, taking it as a signal to cuddle herself into his side leaning her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Joon, can't you cover for us?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, groaning loudly before nodding at the pair to leave quickly before anyone saw them. Outside of the venue, the couple threw their heads back in laughter, stumbling in joy towards the car.

"We're going to be in so much trouble tomorrow!"

"So worth it!" Yoongi unlocked the car, opening the passenger side for Sarang, kissing her softly after helping her in. "Let's go home."

+I think i'm falling in love with Yoongi :0+

+Don't forget to vote and comment I love reading them!+

+Stay safe and healthy! Too many of you have been messaging me telling me you're sick! I'm worried!+

Honsool • BTS 8th memberWhere stories live. Discover now