Chapter 3|| DARKWATER

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Oceanfire watched the steed swoop over the mountain tops, soaring over to him before landing a few wing lengths away

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Oceanfire watched the steed swoop over the mountain tops, soaring over to him before landing a few wing lengths away. The pegasus in front of him he recognized. A deep blue roan mare with one white sock, navy blue wings with black tips. Her name truly reflected how she looked, the mare being Darkwater, a three year old Mountain Herd skyherder whom Oceanfire spared the life of which led to her killing Icewind. She was the reason he was exiled.

"Hey! I remember you! You're that Snow Herd captain who let me get away," she snorted, recognizing him as well.

"Yes, I am," he stated gruffly.

"What're you doing here? Snow Herd is a long ways away," she asked, boldly trotting forwards.

"Well, because I let you live during the battle. You were able to fight again and killed Icewind, Sealwing and Glaciercloud's only foal. I was exiled because of it," answered Oceanfire, flicking his long tail.

Darkwater's eyes widened in shock, the tips of her feathers buzzing.

"I didn't mean to! He wouldn't back down! He was so injured he would've died either way," Darkwater tried to explain however Oceanfire just raised a wing, signaling her to stop.

"Darkwater, I don't blame you. It was my own actions and I know I did what was right. We were both fighting for our herds, yet you are young. You deserve to continue fighting and use that energy. Letting you live was a good choice," stated Oceanfire.

"Oh," was all Darkwater said, her tail flicking nervously. She shuffled her hooves, not knowing what to say. Then four other pegasi descended from the clouds, standing in front of Darkwater and between her and Oceanfire. Oceanfire backed up while Darkwater snorted in surprise.

"What are you doing on our territory, Snow Herd?" snorted a dark bay Appaloosa skyherder with a black mane and tail, three white socks, white blaze, and dark blue wings.

"Sparrowleaf stop! He's not a Snow Herd stallion anymore, he's been exiled," whined Darkwater.

"That may be so, but he's still an enemy!" said a cremello stallion with a slightly darker mane and tail, one white sock, and pale silver wings. Springfire, Oceanfire's memory supplied him. A younger captain in the Mountain Herd army.

Oceanfire could sense the uneasy and mistrust from the stallions and mare. The scent was flowing off them in waves. So he tucked his wings close to his body and lowered his head, glancing up at the pegasi who were staring wide eyed at him.

"I mean you all no harm. I was simply flying towards the Wastelands and took a wrong turn. I don't want any trouble with you as I'm all on my own. If you will allow me to, I will be on my way," he said, slowly as to not seem like he was in a rush. That would panic them even more.

"No. You are trespassing on Mountain Herd territory therefore must be brought in front of Stonewing. He will choose what to do with you," snorted a bay stallion with a darker mane and tail, white snip, two front anklets, and wings a a mixture of orange, red, and yellow feathers.

"Ashfire this is really unnecessary!" Darkwater tried to explain, bless her soul.

"Quiet Darkwater! You may be acquainted with him but you are young. He could be lying to you or a spy. You can't get too trusting with outsiders," snapped Crimsonfire, a captain Oceanfire was well acquainted with.

The two had fought each other in many battles between their herds. Oceanfire had even given Crimsonfire his most prominent scar, the long one running from his left shoulder, between his wings, all the way down to his right flank. So yeah, Oceanfire knew the thick set captain probably wasn't too pleased to see him.

And Crimsonfire wasn't really the stallion to mess with. He was large, even for Mountain Herd standards, with rippling muscles, thick legs that never folded, blood colored wings, and scars decorating his hide. He was a force to be recorded with and Oceanfire admired that greatly about the captain. But physically speaking, he was a dark chestnut -hide littered with scars- with a black mane and tail, no socks, white star, and crimson red wings.

"Come on. Let's take him to Stonewing and Cedercloud to see what they have to say," said the Appaloosa mare.

"Lead the way, Sparrowleaf," the one called Ashfire said.

"Will you come with us peacefully or will we have to use force?" Crimsonfire looked over at Oceanfire.

"If prefer peacefully. As stated, I've been exiled. The only thing I have left to lose arm my wings and my life," stated Iceanfire, the three captains nodded while Sparrowleaf glared at him. Darkwater gave him an apologetic look as they all took flight, Oceanfire following in Crimsonfire's wake.

Oceanfire's Fate (a Guardian Herd OC fanfiction) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now