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Reginald de la luca Black , now the leader of the Demonios Peligrosos . He grew up with barely any love so his heart slowly and painfully turned cold . His father killed his mother when he was young. Due to the death of his mother and the abandonment of his father he was forced to take care of his brothers . So Reginald decided to sell on the street and he met a boy (Rauday)his age (15) they stuck together like glue . They fought there way up to where they are now the bosses of Demonios Peligrosos ( Dangerous Devils) .

He was forced to defend himself so he'd train getting ready to attend to the military. He's a tech wiz ready to hack and fix any device he'd come across and he was a ladies man able to break hearts in a heart beat.

Rauday Lucifer Smith , Right hand man and bestfriend to Reginald. Rauday grew up with a family full of neglected, he didn't have any sibling or anyone that loved him . He was taught to treat woman correctly so when he came upon the girl of his dreams he fell in love . Her name was Sierra Williams . She was light and golden with nicely plumped lips her eyes were a light chestnut brown that really stood out . She decided to play him and seduce which ended up with him giving up on love forever and he ended up thinking women were nothing but toys to play with.

Anne Johnson , her parents died in a mysterious car accident . She never really understood why until now . At the scene of crime they was a pair of sunglasses with a snake symbol on it she took it before anyone can see it but as of now she's is searching for it . Her parent left her a big inheritance allowing her to avoid living in poverty. Her hobby is fashion and makeup she specializes in disguises . She is a mathematician able to solve any problem that comes her way . She pretty gifted in everything she does . Whatever you could do she could always do it better .

Sarah Brown, her life started to crumble when her dad cheated on her step mom . Her step mom kicked out both her dad and herself knowing that they wouldn't have a place to stay (heartless bitch). Due to the fact that her father didn't have a job he sold her to the man who officially ruin her life forever, she'd get beat repeatedly and raped when he felt like doing it . But one day she finally had the courage to runway she had never forgotten that snake tattoo on his neck or the terrible flashbacks she'd get in her sleep she made it her destiny to take revenge.

Sarah had the skillful talents like knife throwing, bow and arrow ,and painting . She could seduce men and women from a mile away and still leave u wondering if you ever had a chance.

Anne and Sarah met when Sarah was running away they bumped in to each other. At the time Anne had just gotten her inheritance and her parents were freshly buried . Anne took Sarah into her home but didn't realize she left the pair of glasses out . Sarah thought Anne was apart of them and immediately took action by grabbing a kitchen knife Anne explained everything and that's how they realized there after the same thing . When they turned of age they joined a secret Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and were spy's . A assignment was given to track down the two leaders of Demonios Peligrosos.

590 words not bad <3
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First story written by @anniebfflol2 and sarah0248876

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