Anniversary Present

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Note from me
I just want to inform y'all that updates will be slow... And for that I'm sorry, but I do have a full time job. Also I changed the story info a bit, Kaminari and Shinso never dated. Kaminari is on the fence about Izuku, you'll find out how later. Kaminari and Jirou are a thing, but not until later as well. I'm doing this because I love Kaminari, and I couldn't make him a jerk. Deal with it... ON WITH THE STORY!!!!
Izuku POV
Tomorrow, would be mine and Ochako's 4 mouth anniversary! I've been working on her present for a while now, but I think it's finally ready to be recorded! All I have to do is get some help recording it, and I know just the girl who can.

As I made my way to her room, I try not to be seen by my other classmates. Don't want to spoil the surprise! I love my classmates I really do, but they can be nosy and love to "spill the tea". I for one don't want that.

As I was just get to the second floor door, it opens to reveal Hagakure. "Oh! Hi Midoriya! What are you doing on the second floor?" She asked in a happy tone, but there was something in her tone that I couldn't place.

I gave her a nervous smile "Was just going to see Kacchan, I need his help with some thing." I told her as I rubbed the back of my neck.

She put her hands on her hips "And your using the stairs why?" I had a feeling she had a eyebrow raised.

"Thought I could use the exercise. Why are you using the stairs?" I ask in an attempt to stop her from asking more questions.

Hagakure signed and only said "Mineta"

"Ooooh... well I better get going don't want to keep Kacchan waiting." I said with a nervous laugh, as I continued up the stairs. As I did so I could feel her eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. 'What was that about' I shook my head as I made my to Kacchan's room. I need to talk to him any way.

Hagakure's POV (bet you didn't see that coming 😈)
I watched Midoriya go up the stairs, as I glared at him. I know that he lied to me. He wasn't going to the forth floor. He was coming to the second floor. 'But way lie about it? Is really true that he's cheating on Uraraka? But with who? Wait... IS HE CHEATING ON HER WITH JIROU?!? I have to tell the others!" I ran down the stairs and into the lounge were most of my classmates are.

"GUYS I FOUND OUT WHO MIDORIYA IS CHEATING WITH!!" As I said this Uraraka's eyes began to water as Iida tried to conferred her.

In a small voice she asked "wh-who?"

"Jirou!" At that she began to cry. Raping her arms a round herself.

"I I had a fe-feeling he was cheating on me, b-but with so-someone I th-thought was a a fr-friend..." she cried harder "Just makes it worse" She was full on sobbing at this point. The room erupted into angry shouts.

"How could he do this her?!"
"And with Jirou of all people!"
"He's going to pay for this!"
"No THEIR going to pay!"
"Where's your proof?"
At that the room goes quite, and at Aoyama. "I for one, won't believe it for a second with out any proof of this."

"Well..." I recounted my interaction with Midoriya on the stairs.

"That's not proof." Aoyama stated with a frown as he glared at me.

"He lied to my face about what he was doing!" I yalled throwing my hands in the air.

Aoyama simply rolled his eyes and stood up a walked out of the room. The room was quite after that. I know I'm right about this ... Right?

Asui then stood up "keep in mind what tomorrow is *ribit*" (Is that how you spell it?) with that she left. 'What's happening tomorrow?' Was the one thing going through all our minds.

Izuku POV
Jirou, Kacchan, Tokoyami and I all sat on the floor in Jirou. As she looked through the music sheets. "Sooo... what do you think?" I asked her nervously.

Jirou looked up at me and smiled "She's going to love it." At that I smiled. "We should start recording now so you can have time to put together and edit the hole thing." With that we started to setup so we could record. Jirou's room was soundproof so no one could hear what we were doing unless they put there up against the door. Kacchan was on the drums, Jirou and Tokoyami are play the guitars, and was the vocals.
There's Nothing Holding Me Back (Shawn Mendes, the song is above ^)
I wanna follow where she goes
I think about her and she knows it
I wanna let her take control
'Cause everytime that she gets close, yeah
She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing (mmm)
And maybe I should stop and start confessing
Confessing, yeah
Oh, I've been shaking
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
She says that she's never afraid
Just picture everybody naked
She really doesn't like to wait
Not really into hesitation
Pulls me in enough to keep me guessing, whoa
And maybe I should stop and start confessing
Confessing, yeah
Oh, I've been shaking
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
There's nothing holdin' me back
'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far
I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright
If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark
I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright
'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far
I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright
If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark
I know we'd be alright, we would be alright
Oh, I've been shaking
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back (oh whoa)
There's nothing holdin' me back
I feel so free when you're with me, baby
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back

Hagakure's POV
I made my way back to my room thing over what Aoyama said "Where's your proof?" As I step of the elevator I see Midoriya walking out of Jirou's with said girl behind him. He then terns a round and gives her a hug. His says something to her that I could hear. Then it hit me, I quickly take out my phone and take a picture. 'How about that for proof!'

1235 Words!

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