Chapter one

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Toga: You really thought you could win? Well now that your back here in this chair tell me where All Mights weak spot is

You struggled then stoped, smirks

Y/n: Like I'd tell you toga

Toga: Ugh your useless honestly shiggy won't be happy but I could get some blood sooooooo *her phone goes off* actually maybe later I have to go now bye~

Y/N's mind: they forget to quirk delaying shot this is my chance

As y/n teleports into the main room with all the villains are smiles and say y/n: thanks for the stay of what 10 years? Anyway I must be going lovely being here bye~

Shiggy try's grabbing you but fails Shigaraki: GOD DAMMIT

As you teleport around the city you stop in the 1-a class room and smile

Y/n: please don't kill me?

Bakugo: like I'd hold back die you da-

Aziawa stops bakugo with his scarf and chuckles

Shota:if anyone is killing her I would be me

Y/n: really hobo really?

Shota: you know you missed me

He smirks as you slap him

Y/n: as if. Anyway are you a teacher now? If you are, are these your students? Also why are they all staring at me like th-

You feel someone hug you from behind and then smile

Y/n: Oh so you finally recognize me little bro ay

Tokoyami just hugged you but finally said after a minute

Tokoyami: Di-did they take y-your quirks away?

Y/n: Nope I just hide the wolf ears and tail I don't like them very much

Shota: I'll call the others

Y/n: wait let's pull a prank on them!

Shota smiles

Shota: you know me too well y/n

As you guys plan deku is mumbling and when your done you go to the bathroom and about 5 minutes later you go back to class 1-a and kick down the door and say

Y/n: guess who's back bitchs!

They all tackle you to the floor and hug you

Present mic:you scared us we lost one of our friends we couldn't lose you to!

You smile

Y/n: me dead I'd like to see that but get off your going to kill me

They get off and you all laugh

Y/n: I missed you idiots

Them:so did we dummy

You look over to see shota sleeping in his sleeping bag so you go walk up to him and poke him

Y/n: wake up dummy you have a class to teach

Shota hits you in the head and then gets out of his sleeping bag and grabs you with his scarf you smile

Y/n:Can we spar outside pleaseeeee

Shota: if it shuts you up then yes


Once you get outside shota throws his scarf at you but you dodge it and sweep his feet out from under him and pin him to the ground with you on top

Y/n: I win

Shota smirks and says: I'm supposed to be on top

You stare at him with a flustered expression on your face and he pins you

Shota: much be-

He gets cut off by the villain alarm going off. He immediately gets off as you all run to the front of the school to see the LOV standing there

Shigaraki: ahhhh there she is

Toga is frowning and not saying anything along with dabi

Y/n's mind: normally they would say something by now..... something is not right

You all begin to fight toga was slower so was dabi. So you kicked toga making her pass out. Shota already had dabi in his scarf and when you go to look at toga you see cuts all up her arm

Dabi: they did that to her. They betrayed us for a stupid experiment

Toga wakes up and you walk over to her and hug her

Y/n: you poor thing..... well let's get you two fixed up

Shota aziawa x female y/n Where stories live. Discover now