Part 4

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Y/N was finishing up L's salad when she heard the door of the apartment creak open. It was L, soaking wet from the rain, water dripped down from his face as he threw a soggy looking cake onto the couch.

"I can see you didn't take a cab." Y/N said, "It's a good thing you walked though, you probably burned all the calories the cake was gonna give you."

L didn't say anything, he plopped onto the couch and glared at the soggy cake. "I don't want this cake anymore, it got all wet from the rain." he finally said, "besides, I burn more calories by thinking then I could ever do while walking."

Y/N sat beside him, with a salad spoon in hand, "Well extra calories or not your soaking wet, where do you keep your clothes, I'll find you some dry ones."

L turned beet red, he didn't want to admit that he only had one pair of clothes, he would normally wash them once or twice a week while he would take a shower. He had no trouble admitting it to anyone else, why was he nervous now?

"They are in the closet." he lied nervously, scratching his soaking wet head.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "I've been in the closet." she smirked, "There were no clothes anywhere!"

L buried his dripping head into his cold jeans. "Why can't I just tell them the truth?" He thought, "What is wrong with me?! Why am I like this?!"

Tears streamed down his face and into a puddle mixed with rain water and his salty tears.

"I don't have anymore clothes." He stated, his tone not changing at all. "I wash these ones once every couple of days."

Y/N wrapped her warm arms around L's shivering body, and pet his hair softly. "Shhhh, Ryuzaki, Shhhh." she cooed, "If you hand me your clothes I can hang them to dry, I can also make some cake for you if that's what you want."

L sniffed, wiping his eyes, "I would like that." he started "thank you, uhh, what would you like me to call you?"

Y/N smiled as L handed her his shirt, "Just call me Y/N" Y/N sighed, "It's not an alias, because I'm not afraid of dying."

L's eyes widened, still red from crying, "I like your spirit, Y/N. " he said, while putting his thumb to his lips, "exactly what we need for the Kira investigation."

Y/N walked over to the drying rack, sitting in the closet and hung up L's messy clothes, and then went to the kitchen and got out some cake ingredients from the fridge, there was barely anything of use there but she could manage.

L covered himself in a blanket, embarrassed from crying in front of Y/N, it wasn't something he did very often, and when he did, he did it alone.

"How long have you been baking?" he blurted out, trying to change the subject.

"About 7 years" Y/N smiled.

"That's a long time to be baking."

"Yeah, I love to bake, the smells coming from the oven are incredible, speaking of smells, where did you get that cologne you use? It's amazing!"

L blushed, "Well, uh, when I traveled around the world for a case, I found it in a novelty shop, the smell was quite intriguing. You smell quite nice too,

Y/N smiled, the butterflies in her stomach were churning.
The oven started to beep, indicating that the cake was finished. Y/N looked for oven mitts but was unable to find any. Instead she used balled up paper towels which she knew was risky, but she had gotten burned many times so it didn't matter.

But right as Y/N carefully brought the cake out, L, who was putting in his clothes, accidentally pushed the drying rack over, causing Y/N to jump amn drop the towels, burning herself on the pan.

Y/N screamed in fright, L wrapped himself in a towel and ran to Y/N, who was trying to pick up the cake pan from the floor.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" he worryingly said.

A.N.: hey!! It's knives again, I hope u guys liked this chapter, I had to change the pronouns tho cause I wanna write a smut scene 0wo, but don't worry, they will kiss soon ;)

"Cake" An L Lawliet X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now