"Romeo! Why didn't you pick up my calls?" Samantha snapped as soon as she approached us.

"I was busy." Romeo replied nonchalantly after he had heaved a loud sigh as he stood up.

"Yes, you are having a picnic. How important!" She commented sarcastically.

Romeo sighed in annoyance and ran his hand through his hair.

"What were you doing with Anne? Brianna told me you were so close." She asked in frustration.

"Which Anne?" Romeo asked, confused while rubbing the back of his neck.

I shook my head in disapproval.

Of course, he couldn't guess who she was because he has a lot of Annes in his life. Incorrigible womanizer!

"That blonde bitch! The new girl!" She snapped angrily.

"Oh..." Romeo mumbled and pursed his lips together.

"Tell me! What the hell were you doing with her?" She snarled, full of anger in her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows, looking at Romeo.

"Babe, Brianna lies. She is jealous of you. You know she likes me. Don't believe these kinds of girls. They want to be in your place." Romeo said, giving her his signature smirk. "You are my only one." He added, cupping her cheek.

I pursed my lips together, trying not to burst out laughing.

Only one. Pff! Liar!

Samantha bit her lower lip, thinking. Then she nodded.

"I am sorry, babe. I love you." She said and hugged him.

"Really?! She is a dumb." Charlotte whispered in my ear, rolling her eyes.

"Or she prefers to be cheated on rather than to break up with the most popular guy in the school." I commented, giving her a knowing look.

"Yes... Stupid bitch!" Charlotte shook her head, sighing. "But why is my brother still with her? She is unbearable." She added in disbelief.

"It suits him. As much as he fucks around, she doesn't break up with him, ignoring the rumors." I commented nonchalantly.


This evening Charlotte's mother, Eleanor, invited my family to their house for dinner.

We were waiting for Romeo to start having dinner. When his mother called him, he said he was about to arrive.

A few minutes later, the doorbell hummed. The maid went to open the door.

"What the hell!" His father, Asher, snapped in shock as soon as Romeo walked in.

My eyes widened in surprise as I looked at him. He got a crown tattoo on his arm which was still red because it was new. And he had earrings in his ears now.

"Just do some changes in my appearance." He said nonchalantly.

Asher sighed in annoyance, clenching his fist.

"We will talk about it after dinner." His father stated firmly and suggested we start having dinner.

Romeo's POV

When Troy's family were leaving, my grandparents, Edward Wright and Cecilia Wright, came. I felt relieved because my grandpa would try to calm my father down.

"Come with me!" My father demanded as soon as the Andersons left.

"What have I done again?" I asked, pretending to be confused.

"What is going on, Asher?" My grandfather intervened.

"Don't you see what he has done?" My father stated angrily.

"Dad, there is..."

"To my study room, Romeo! Now!" My father cut me off. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"No, you will talk to him in the living room." My grandpa demanded firmly.

"No! You always take his side even in his worst behaviors." My father refused, shaking his head.

"Ash, calm down." My mother said, resting her hand on his arm.

"No, Ellie. You know my father. He even took his side when Romeo was arrested for fighting." My father scowled.

"Of course, I will take his side. He is my grandson. My only son's firstborn and heir." My grandfather stated firmly. "I love my grandchildren, and I am always by their side, ready to support and help them. Moreover, he reminds me about someone." My grandpa intervened arrogantly and gave my father a knowing look.

"I wasn't like him." My father pouted.

"Oh yeah. You were worse." My grandpa chuckled. I grinned sheepishly. As soon as my father gave me a dirty look, I stopped grinning and averted my gaze.

"Whatever!" My father mumbled in annoyance and sighed. "Fine. We will talk in the living room."

We were sitting while my father was pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Didn't I tell you not to get a tattoo when you said about this idea?" My father snapped. "But if getting a tattoo wasn't enough for you, you have earrings in your ears now!" My father added angrily.

"Dad, all guys do these in our school. It isn't a big deal." I stated nonchalantly.

"Why didn't Troy do it? Don't you go to the same school?!" My father commented, frustrated.

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