Chapter 2: Living Situations

Start from the beginning

~Sarah Pov [that night]~

After Lilly saved my sweet patooty and we flew over to the USA America opened the door to his house and smiled over to me, "yo, dudette, we should totally watch a scary movie." I punched the air, "heck yeah!" I said and he gave me the disk while he went to make popcorn. I flung the disk in and America told me to wait here to make sure the popcorn wouldn't burn. He came back down several times, each time carrying in large quantities of blankets and pillows. When the popcorn was in a bowl, thanks to yours truly, I saw that he made a nest like thing! "I haven't done this since I was a kid!" I smiled and plopped down next to America, "what was your childhood like?" America asked as the DVD went through the trailers. "Nothing much to talk about, mom died dad's in the Looney house. Lilly and the girls are more my family." I said and America nodded, he was such a cute baby when England first found him... "so, that's why you needed Lilly's permission to stay with me." America said, "yeah, she's the mom of the group. Lilly always worries." I said and America smiled, "I wish I had that kind of Family, all I've had was..." he trailed off and I patted his hand.

By the end of the scary movie my throat hurt from screaming, but America still screamed even more. We we're huddled together under our security blankets when the movie finally ended. "That w-wasn't scary at all." America said, "right, you were screaming like a girl." I said. The phone rang scaring both of us. "Hello? She's right here." America said and handed his phone over to me. "Go to bed and careful about the whole scary movie thing alright?" I heard Lilly say. "Right. Love you." Of said and she chuckled, "I love you as well." She said and hung up. I placed the phone on the low hanging coffee table nearby, "she told us to go easy on the scary movies." I said and saw that he was already asleep. I took off his glasses and he pulled me down next to him. I smiled as I placed his glasses on the coffee table and let myself be held by the sleeping country.

When I woke up America was just sitting there watching me while I sleep. His arm was around me, pulling me closer to him. "Morning dudette!" America said excitedly. I smiled, "Morning!" We both jumped up and he grabbed my hand making me follow him into the kitchen. He took out a fast-food bag and took out a few burgers. We sat there happily watching morning cartoons, setting cold cheeseburgers from McDonald's. All in all a great way to start the day!

~Brea Pov [That Night]~ -her kimono is to the right-

Japan kept a small distance from me as we walked in pure silence. We flew to his home country, he's been opening doors and helping me out of cars, he's just so... I don't know... amazing. He held the front door open to me, "thank you." I said quietly for the hundredth time. He nodded back in return. Once we entered I was going to take off my house but I only had socks on. "Here," Japan said and handed me cute, fuzzy, blue slippers with a bunny mashing mochi on th moon design on them. "Thank you." I said as I slipped them on. He lead me to a small area and we sat down and a Japanese maid brought us some tea. Japan poured the green liquid into a green no handled cup. We sat watching the vibrant pink cherry petals flip in the air, soon to come to rest on the ground. He finally indicated that it was time for bed and I followed him to a room. It reminded me of a gasha's room. With kimonos and hair ornaments. "I hope this suits to your liking." Japan said and smiled, I nodded, "Thank you, for everything." I said and he nodded and began to walk away when he stopped in his tracks. "Good night Brea-Chan," he said and left into another room I could only guess was his bedroom. I smiled softly, "good night Japan..." I took off the slippers beside the bed and laid on the pillow-like floor mattress.

When I woke up I saw that there was a lady waiting for me to wake up. "Good morning mistress, Japan-Tono asked me to help you get ready for the day." I nodded and sat up, she helped me put on a a light blue kimono but this one was a lighter version of said kimono. She pulled an ivory comb through my dark blonde hair and tied it up and placed a light blue bobble in my hair. She bowed once she finished and left with my thanks. I came out of my room and saw Japan in his down time clothes. He smiled over to me, and I to him, he motioned me to follow him. When we got to our destination it turns out that it was the same room as last night. There was a steamed fish, rice, tea, and cut vegetables set out for our breakfast. I smiled as I squealed on the inside.

~Dylan Pov [that night]~

Russia and I went to his country when I bumped into Belarus and Ukraine. They watched me as I smiled at them and they walked away, I thought I heard Belarus silently cursing me. "Here is your room." He said opening the door slowly. I smiled, "but you must be hungry, here follow me." He said and took my hand. He let go of my hand indicating he wanted me to stay here. Russia came back and took off his scarf and trench coat to reveal a cream sweater. He held too bowls of beet soup we ate in silence till we finished and he walked me back to my room I waved him goodnight and he smiled and waved back. I was almost scared this was a dream and if I fell asleep I'd wake up. But finally sleep tugged at my eyes. Leaving me hoping this was really here.

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