Chapter Forty-One

Start from the beginning

We both climbed into Nate's car, it was still pretty early so there weren't many people around to see our escape as Nate sped out of the parking lot.

"Where to, my love?" He asked as he drove in no particular direction.

"Let's go on a date." He promised me one anyway and it would be good to spend some time together since apparently, we're drawn to each other anyway, something told me with the full moon so close we wouldn't be able to leave each other's side for a while.

"I'm not dressed for a date," he pouted, looking down at his casual dresswear.

"If you think I care about what you're wearing, you're wrong. We're pretty much dressed the same anyway." We were both dressed in hoodies and jeans, after all who gets dressed up for school?

"I would love to take you on a date," he admitted, I know we were supposed to wait until the moon cycle was over but it's not like we had anything better to do now, and not that I'd ever admit it aloud, but I really wanted to go on a date with him.

"Well then, where are you taking me?" I asked, watching Nate smirk before he turned the car around, driving with more certainty than before.

He drove towards town with a permanent smile on his face, it was good to see him like that again, but it had me curious if the moon is still effecting him, if it is, he's handling it a lot better than before, but I guess us going on a date would be quite risky.

Not that I minded, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, and I've kind of accepted the fact that Nate may be my life from on, it was a weird feeling to have a soul mate and there was a part of me that still didn't believe it.

It had me wanting him to mark me, to give me that solid proof that he would be with me forever, because he went from being the most annoying person I know, to the person I can't imagine my life without.

After everything that happened at home, I never thought I'd have much of a life, but with him I imagine a future and get excited, it was that feeling that kept me going, kept me wanting to get closer and closer until people were annoyed of seeing us together.

To learn so much about him, that my brain exploded from holding too much information, fuck everyone else, I'm ready to start my life with him, and I'm ready for him to mark me.

After all, there was never anyone else, nobody would ever come close, he can have all of me, and I'll be damned if I don't enjoy every second of it.

Nate pulled up in front of town and turned off the engine, rushing out of the car so fast I was momentarily stunned, until he appeared at my side and opened my door with a grin.

"I'm not a girl." I rolled my eyes but stepped out anyway, I even went as far as to take his outstretched hand, with him it's okay.

"Nope, you're my mate." His mate, why did that title seem more meaningful than boyfriend?

Nate grinned, interlocking his fingers with mine and leading me into town, but we just cut through, making our way through the crowds and out of the back door exit where we walked around a corner and stopped in front of a medium sized building that I instantly recognised.

"Really?" I asked, trying to hold the excitement out of my voice, but I very evidently failed.

"That okay?" He asked, though the smile on his face told me he knew it was.

"More than okay," I smiled, eyes going wide as we stepped into the building that filled me with instant nostalgia.

It was an arcade, one that I used to come to all the time with Laken, many times we tried to drag Ash along, but games just weren't his thing.

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