Denki x Electric quirk oc (Leila) one shot

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(i literally have no idea what I am doing so just don't judge - author)

___leila's pov___

The sun shined down on my face. I slowly opened my eyes, as I did I was blinded by the warm orange glow that came from my windows. uhhgg I quickly shut my eyes and covered myself in blankets, to try to delude all the light coming through my opened windows. 'why the heck is it so bright... what time is it' i thought uncovering myself and getting up. I sluggishly went over to my bathroom and got ready. Splashing water in my face and then drying it with a towel to wake myself up, i looked over at the clock.... 8:50 "shoot- wha- no wait, that cant be right! no no no, I'M LATE!" 

I ran out of the bathroom and stumbled into my school uniform, I swiftly grabbed a snack, put my shoes on, and headed out the door. almost missing the nearest bus I could find, I hopped on and found a seat in the back. Quietly I ate my small breakfast and put earbuds in my ears, blasting the music it drowned out every noise in the bus. I closed my eyes and felt the music consume me as the bus swayed back and forth in rhythm to the song.

Soon the bus stopped and I jolted a little in my seat, that was my indication to get off. I skipped of the bus, now feeling full of energy as I ran into my class. 'It seems I was just in time' I thought as I sat down next to izuku midoria. He gave me a smile and small wave before iida, the class stuck up, yelled at all of us to sit down and be quiet.

"your the only one standing" I semi-shouted at him and snickered, he briskly sat down in his seat blushing from embarrassment. 

Soon after Mr. Aizawa walked in and started his lesson. 'howw boringggg' I thought zoning out completely. I spun a pencil in my hand, and held my head up with the other. As I slowly gained Consciousness I realized I was staring right at denki, he glanced over at me probably feeling my stare carve into the back of his head. I quickly looked away, as my face flushed red. 'well that went well' I thought sarcastically as I was mentally shaming myself for doing that.

==================time skip because ya boi is lazy XD=================

The bell rang and I jolted, quickly regaining my posture once again, I quickly vacated the classroom and walked the lunch room with mina. Me and her were just talking about our mornings when all the sudden she said. "I saw you staring at denki~" she giggled and nudged my side. My face felt hot as I looked away in embarrassment "n-no its not like that" I said quietly, hiding my face in my hands. "oh come onnn, you guys have known each other since grade school. I'm sure if you tell him, he'll return the feelings" she smiled looking at me with a tantalizing gaze. 

As we got to the lunch room I dreaded the thought of bumping into certain yellow haired boy. I was nervous to get my food and almost dropped it sitting down, I had been so flustered this morning it was doing a number on my footing. Mina sat down with me and we continued talking until denki walked over with the rest of the "baku-squad" as they call it. 

"speak of the devil" mina whispered to me and nudged my arm once again. They all sat down an started conversations that I just blocked out. I kept eating until denki grabbed my attention, he waved his hand in front of my face "earth to leila, you there?" he questioned, smirking, when I made eye contact with him. "finally, your awake" he joked, I laughed and looked up at him. "yeh, what is it?" I said still making eye contact. "have you ever thought about dating?" he asked out of no where.

'what is with everyone today' I thought, "yah, the thought has crossed my mind before. Why are you asking this so suddenly?" I questioned back, my cheeks tinted pink. "well I've just been thinking about it to" he said tearing his gaze away from me, and to his food. we continued eating and chatting until the bell rang again, 'time for class uggg more like ass-' I thought as I got up to throw my tray away. I snickered at the thought but was  abruptly stopped by someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see denki smiling down at me, he leans down and whispers in my ear "meet me at the gate after class" and walks away smoothly. 

my mind was racing, my head was spinning, and my face heated up faster than a stove top. I put my hands on my cheeks to try and hide the blush as I slowly walked back to class. 

--------time skip again brought to you by your lazy ass author qmq-------

The bell rang and I woke up from accidentally falling asleep in class, almost everyone was gone. 'oh, i'm going to meet denki at the gate' I thought as I gathered my stuff, the memory flashed in my mind and I immediately  got butterflies in my stomach 'why me' I thought as my face tinted pink. I headed out the door and walked slower than normal taking my time because of building anxiety. Once I got close to the gates I saw denki wave at me and walk towards me, "hay leila! I was just wondering if you wanted to walk home together?" all the nerves that built up inside me lifted, I felt so revealed.

I let out a breath of air that i had been subconsciously holding in. I looked up at him and flashed him a big smile "of coarse we can walk home together" and with that we had started down a path home. Mine and his house were pretty close together, as we both walked down this little road denki looked over at me. I looked up at him, he looked nervous. "h-hay leila, its kinda cold" he stuttered out "well yeh it is kinda late in the afternoo-" he cut me off by taking my hand. I looked at him in surprise to see his cheeks tinted pink.

We both held hands and walked in silence, neither of us knowing how to break the ice. I tried to relax by looking around me. There were pink trees covering the small pathway, and you could see the sidewalk twist and turn in a circular manner. 

Time seemed to stop as we both walked together in the semi awkward silence. After a while it almost felt like a comfortable silence, but that was to quickly cut of by a little fork in the road that separated our houses. "well I g-guess this is where we part" he said looking at me. I hesitantly looked at him and smiled sweetly. "yah, ill see you next week" I went to let go of his hand when he pulled me into a hug, I could hear his heart beat almost like a soft drum. He felt warm, and his embrace was so comforting I almost forgot how to breathe. "leila-" he let out a small breath "I really like you, I've actually liked you for a long time now" his heart beat quickened "i-i was wondering if you want to be my g-girlfriend?" he said holding his breath. 

I hugged back and his posture tensed up a little more then it already was. "yes, of coarse ill be your girlfriend. I really like you to" I said surprisingly calm. We both stood there in each others arms  before he pulled away. He gave me a dorky grin and giggled "I'm so happy that your my girlfriend" he took my chin in his hand and kissed my cheek, and with that he was off, "good by leila!! see you Monday!" and he slowly faded into the distance. I blushed super hard replaying what had just happened in my head over and over.

Once I got home denki had texted me:

💛sparkplug💛: hay leila i was thinking, wanna go on a date tomorrow, we could go to the arcade?

Spaz💛: yes! I would love to!! :3

💛Sparkplug💛: how's noon sound?

Spaz💛: perfect! see you then


(yay that was fun, hope you like it i guess? idk, i'm tired -author)

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