Light rain scattered across the pavement, turning the grey even darker around me as I forced myself to look up at the sky, it was almost blinding to look at, but the clouds were a mix of white and grey, as the rain couldn't seem to decide whether to pick up or slow down.

I found myself wishing the bus would hurry up as the little bit of shelter I was under didn't do a lot to protect me from the rain, not that I minded much, but the idea of going to school drenched wasn't appealing to me in the slightest.

A part of me was also longing to see Nate, it was like a nagging feeling in my chest that refused to subside until I was with him, and it only seemed to grow stronger.

Idiot, the full moon is supposed to be effecting you, not me. I could already tell this was going to be a long day, and the part of me that dreaded it fought viciously with the part of me that felt excited.

For what? Seeing my...mate? What does that even mean?

Hell if I know, this bus better hurry the fuck up already, or I may just explode.

-Nate's POV-

I was out the door by 7am, school didn't start for another two hours but I couldn't sleep worth shit and I needed to get out of here.

My wolf was fighting for release and I was tempted to let him run around in the woods for a bit just to release some tension, but I didn't trust him not to take full control and run to our mate, it was too risky to let him out when the full moon was so close.

And boy could I feel its power, I feel like I'm on my way to insanity and I'm losing it fast, and to top it all off, Damon didn't come back to the pack house last night.

I didn't go straight to school, it was too early anyway, instead I went to find my Alpha, I really need some kind of support right now before I completely lose it.

There was only one place he would be, and I probably broke many speeding limits on the way there, but my chest felt so tight, it was like I couldn't breathe, and I was really starting to freak out, so I pulled up outside of Laken's house in record time.

I barely managed the cut the engine before I was jumping out of the car and started banging on L's door, way too loud for the time of morning, not that the thought occurred to me at all.

The door swung open to reveal an annoyed looking Damon, but that changed the moment he realised who it was.

"Dude, do you know what time it is? Are you okay?" He was tied between being annoyed and being worried, but he seemed to read something on my face and opened the door wider for me to step in.

I strode into the living room where I started pacing, trying not to rip my hair out as I ran my fingers roughly through it.

"Maybe you should skip school today," he said, as he watched me in concern.

"I can't," I spat through clenched teeth.

"Dude you look like shit, you're pale and you're sweating, there's no way you can go like that, have you even looked in the mirror?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I can't skip, I need to see him." Even I could hear how deep my voice sounded, was it even me talking anymore?

"Seriously man, go look in the mirror," he insisted.

"I don't need to see to know I look a mess, I barely slept and I'm in fucking agony, I didn't know it would hurt this much," I growled.

"It's not the moon that's hurting you."

"What?! No, I just got to wait for the cycle to be over and I'll be okay," I kept telling myself that, hoping I'd be strong enough to fight my way through it, what's one more day? Although tomorrow would be the worst.

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