"Tommy, don't listen to him." Wilbur whispered softly, and the boy turned to him, the sword gleaming in his hand. "He's trying to get into your head-"

"And you're not?" Sapnap interjected, raising one eyebrow as Tommy glanced over at the dark haired man. "Listen I-"

"Just shut up." Tommy murmured, his voice quiet as he glared up at Sapnap, his dull eyes sparking angrily. "Shut up, Sapnap."

Wilbur felt a little spark of pride.

"You've hurt people too. You've hurt your own friends, your best friends who trusted you and loved you." Tommy continued, anger rising in his soft voice as he took a small and shaky step forwards. "So don't to me talk about loyalty."

Sapnap took a step back, his eyes narrowed and flicking between the two as his lips pressed to a thin line. Wilbur glanced over at Tommy, meeting the kid's eyes, smiling slightly, and the boy lifted the corner of his mouth the tiniest amount.


"You can't win, Snapmap." Wilbur growled, feeling better as Tommy drew his sword and stood next to him. "It's us two against you."

"First, call me Snapmap one more time and we'll have issues." Sapnap pinched the bridge of his nose with his bloodstained fingertips. "Next, I don't care if I die. I've already done what I wanted, and now I'm free. But if you kill me, I won't leave without destroying everything you are about first."

"Are you talking to me?" Wilbur asked, raising an eyebrow as the dark haired man before him rolled his eyes. "Seriously. Are you talking to me or him?"

"I'm talking to you, Wilbur." Sapnap hissed. "Tommy's too dead to respond, so yes. Obviously."

The brown haired man glanced towards the blond boy to see if the kid had some reaction, any kind of reaction. But Tommy just stayed still, head bowed, sword held tight in his hand and his dull eyes staring at the ground. Wilbur wanted to go and wrap his arms around the boy, but considering their past, that probably wasn't a good idea.

"See. Dead. God, Wilbur, I don't even want to know what you did to that kid." Sapnap sneered sarcastically, and Tommy twitched a bit. "But I guess I did contribute as well. I mean I did just kill his best friend right in front of him so-"

Tommy just snapped.

His blade cut through the air and sliced neatly through Sapnap's skin as the dark haired man gave a cry of shock. Wilbur allowed himself a moment of pride before drawing his knives, the metal flashing in the sun. Sapnap recovered quickly, his eyes narrowing as Tommy almost drove his sword through the dark haired man's neck.

"Don't you talk about Tubbo, bitch." Tommy growled as he locked blades with Sapnap, staring him down as anger sparked in his grey eyes.

"Hmm, not as broken as I thought." Sapnap's mouth lifted into a grin as he tried to push the blond boy back. "Wilbur should have done a better job shutting you up."

"Haven't you learned by now?" Something flashed in Tommy's gaze, and he kicked out, knocking the dark haired man back and watching him skid on the dirt. "I'll only stop shouting when I'm dead."

"Yeah! Go Tommy!" Wilbur almost laughed when the boy turned towards him, one eyebrow raised and a slight upturning to his mouth. "What? I'm just cheering you on."

"Well, the least you could do is help Wilby- uh Wilbur." Tommy's pale face broke into a bit of a smile, the scars on his lips stretching and making the kid wince. "You've got weapons, use them!"

Wilbur rolled his eyes at Sapnap got to his feet, wiping a bit of blood from his face, and grimacing slightly. Tommy attacked the man in the bandana again, never letting him get a second of rest, fury coating the blond boy's face. Wilbur joined him, feeling the pieces click back, Tommy and his familiar fighting styles falling back into place.

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