"Okay, so I'm going to go for a walk because if I stay here arguing with you, I'm going to kill you, and I'm too pretty for jail." I smile sarcastically at him as I grab my jacket, phone, keys and leave closing the door behind me.

I go down the stairs to the third floor, then the second, then the first, and finally out the door. When Lizzie showed me around the school, she showed me where the soccer field is so maybe I'll go there to cool off.

Once I get to the soccer field, I saw a soccer ball in the middle of the field. I went towards it and then started to play. When I was little, I used to play with Sebastian all the time. I would always win so this is like riding a bike. I manage to get a few goals in, and some other tricks as well.

After about 30 minutes I get tired and stop for a bit. When I'm about to start playing again I hear someone clap, I then freeze in place. I turn around softly and see that there is a guy at the other side of the field. I stop playing and the guy starts to walk towards me. He's tall, he has dark blue eyes, curly brown hair, and I can even see some freckles; he's cute.

"So, you play?" he asked while pointing at the ball I'm holding.

"Sure, you could say that" I say casually. Only Sebastian and Natasha now how much I love soccer.

"You're pretty good. You should really try out for the team."

"I'm not into playing with prissy Academy girls"

"Oh, but wait, you didn't let me finish. There is only a boys' team"

"Oh, but wait, I'm not into playing with prissy Academy boys either" I say, and he winces at my comment and acts hurt. He starts to laugh, and I laugh with him trying to make the situation a little less uncomfortable.

"I'm Max, and I'm guessing you're new?" He says pointing a finger at me.

"Ding, ding, ding." I say and start to laugh again trying to easy the awkward tension "I'm Madison." I smile.

"Well, uhm- I should get back to my dorm, I only came here to blow off some steam, and I think I'm done for the day. It was nice meeting you." I say and start to walk away but he follows.

"Why'd you need to blow off some steam?" he asks. I stop and turn to him.

"Uhm, my new roommate is an asshole." I hesitate a little to tell him.

"Who is your new roommate?" he asked being super nosey. What the hell is up with the questions.

"That's a long story for another time." I say fumbling with my fingers getting ready to leave again.

"I've got time." He says. He really isn't letting me go huh. I turn again and we continue to walk towards Fredrickson Hall.

"Well, as you already know, I'm new." He nods and I continue. "When I got here earlier, I found out that Alastair hall was full to the brim, so Headmaster Cooper put me in a room in Fredrickson hall instead." I say and his mouth turns into the shape of an 'O' and I nod. "Yeah, oh. I haven't even gotten to the juicy part yet, are you ready?" I say and he nods. "My new roommate is Chase Hudson."

"Holy shit, you're his new roommate?" he asked, and I nodded. He continued speaking "I was in the gym earlier today and he looked ready to murder someone, I guess now I know why he was mad."

"Yeah" I say. "Well, as I said before I need to head to my dorm." I say as we approach the doors Fredrickson hall's entrance.

We start to make our way up the stairs because the elevator broken. Lizzie says that happens a lot here. When we make it to the third floor he stops, and says.

"Well, this is me, I hope you enjoy your stay, and I guess I'll see you around." He says while walking backwards to his room. I start to make my way up the stairs.

"See you around Max" I say while I finish making my way up the stairs and walking to my room. When I get to my room, I open the door and when I enter everyone goes silent. Okay, that was weird. I ignore their childness and go to my closet, I get my toiletries, some shorts, and a long T-shirt. I set the pajamas on my bed, for when I got back. I left the room and went to the bathroom, hoping that it's empty. To my luck it's empty. I finally get to have some alone time.


After a long shower, I feel better. When I get out, I dry myself and start to make my way out of the bathroom, but not before I check that the halls are clear. Once I make it to the room, I thank God the boys left, because I'm not in the mood to talk to, or even see Chase. I start to change into my pajamas and after I do that, I get my laptop from my desk, my earphones from my bag and I start to watch The Vampire Diaries. Honestly, the only reason I'm even interested is because of Damon, who wouldn't love Damon?

Five episodes in and I hear the doorknob squeaking. I sit up from my laying position and pause the episode. Chase comes in and throws his keys on his desk. He makes his way to his closet and gets some sweatpants out and leaves the room once again. I un-pause the episode and continue to watch it. After a couple of minutes Chase comes in, puts his stuff in his hamper and goes to lay on his bed. I continue watching my series in silence not bothering him.

I try to watch one more episode, but I feel myself getting sleepier by the second, screw it. I take off my earphones and shut my laptop. I walk to my desk, connect my laptop to it's charger, and put my Air pods in my bag. I head back to my bed ready to sleep. After today, I'm drained. Thank God tomorrow is Saturday cause if it weren't, don't count on me waking up early. I hear rustling next to me and turn to face Chase. I see that he is about to go to sleep so I turn off my light, and he turns off his.

"Good night medusa" he says, and I laugh a little.

"Good night asshole" I say, and I hear him chuckle.



Here is the second chapter of the day

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Love you guys bunches and see you next Friday. Byeee

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