"Almir! I was thinking that everyone call me jobless. When I have degree of higher university of country in software engineering then why don't I apply for job?"
Wali said in trance.

" What? Are you Wali or some duplicate of him?"
Almir shouted in shock.

"End your drama already! For once I am serious."
Wali said rolling eyes.

"I sure! I am glad!"
Almir said composing himself quickly.

After few moments Almir was all ready to take Wali's interview.

"So Mr. Wali why do you want this job?"
Almir asked in professional tone.

"It is not your concern!"
Wali spat.

" Ah idiot! You have to answer my every question. "


"So tell me why do you think that you should get this job? What's special about you?"

"Well you want an employee and I want the job so what's the problem in hiring me? And besides everything is special about me."
Wali said holding his collar and next moment earned a slap from Almir.

"Be serious donkey!"

Wali sat straight rolling his eyes.

"So what you like to do?"

"Making memes on my family members."

"I mean besides that!"

"Oh I like to irritate Ayla tayla. "
Wali said enthusiastically.

"And who is that Ayla tayla?"
Almir asked making faces.

"She is... my uncle's daughter."

"Means your cousin?"

"Means my aunt's daughter."

"What's the difference in both?"

"What 're you so interested in my family? Be professional!"
Wali glared at Almir.

"You look rude!"

"Then don't look at me!"
Wali said turning his face sideways.

"Ok Fine! So what will you do if you get this job?"
Almir saod inhaling sharply.

"Show off!"
Wali shrugged putting his sun glasses on.


And after numerous sober questions and idiotic answers Almir was sitting with his head in his palms while Wali was whistling.

"Too much love for my fans... here there and everywhere...!!!!"
Wali said throwing kisses in air.

Arsum was humming while sliding on the grill of stairs.

Hoorain was mopping the floor and he didn't know it but all his senses came back to their senses when he stepped on damn floor which she just mopped.

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