"Okay so let me get this straight I was forced into a plane by my lovely stepmother. Dragged by the ass to the prestigious as fuck Academy. Where the receptionist are bitchy and people look at you as if they want you six feet under ground. All for you to tell me you don't have any room for me? And I thought I was messed up." I chuckle humorlessly while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Miss McKenna-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Maddie." I correct him.

"Maddie." He says clearly irritated with me correcting him. "I never said that we didn't have room for you I just said that we didn't have room in the girls dormitory halls."

"Same thing to me." I say pacing around the room.

"It's really not that bad. I roomed with a guy when I was in collage." He states as if we were swapping war stories here. It's not the same! He's a guy. A guy rooming with another guy, cool, normal, fun. A girl rooming with a guy? Totally diferente story.

"YOU'RE A MAN." I scream.

"True." He says and nods. I sigh looking at him.

"Are you sure you don't have any other rooms?" I ask hoping to get out of this mess.

"Positive" he confirmed with a nod.

I sat back down dragging my chair closer to the desk in between us.

"Are there no other options, like a dirty janitor closet maybe? I really truly don't mind the smell of windex in the morning." I said. "I actually love it." I sniff the air and sigh dreamily. "Does it smell like windex in here? I think it does." I say in my most chipper voice.

"Miss McKenna there are no windows here." He says looking around his office.

"It's Maddie, and my point is I'll sleep anywhere that isn't with that boy, whatever his name is." I sigh leaning back further in the chair.

"You don't even know him and you already hate him?"

"Hate is very strong word Robbert. Let's say highly dislike."


"Yes you look like a Robbert. May I call you Robbert? Is your name Robbert?"

"Yes my name is Robbert. And no you may not. Back to topic. Please give it a shot."

"I don't need to give it a shot Robbert, I already know that I'm not gonna like it." I state and he sighs.

"Then I don't know what else to tell you miss McKenna because there are no other rooms left."

"What about the floor. I'd sleep on the floor. The floor is way more comfortable than a bed. I mean..." I stand up and lay on the floor. "Oh my god you see this. You add a blanket and a few pillows and you've got yourself a cloud."

"Miss McKenna, please get up." I stand up from the floor dusting away the imaginary dust and sitting back down.

"Sleeping on the floor is absurd. And here in Henderson Academy we pair the students with the people their most compatible with. You know so there are no fight or stuff like that over minor differences. And well Chase Hudson was compatible with you. Chase is a sweetheart. You'll be fine."

Rooming with ChaseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ