'Of course,' I replied as I gave her a quick peck, before I went to the closet to get something to wear.

'You seem bothered, baby. May I know what it is?' I asked as I went to bed and she rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around hers and gave it a squeeze.

She gave out a sigh before she spoke.

'There's this one guy Min Jin told me about earlier,' she began. 'Do you remember that interview when I said that there was someone who asked me out but then I never went to it?'

I tried to recall that interview, but even when I couldn't really remember, I nodded. Because I wanted her to spill right away about this guy.

'Well, Min Jin said that he wanted to see me while I'm here,' she said. My mind went haywire and I felt the liquor leave my body right away. I fell silent and was just holding on to her.

'Baby?' She asked after a few moments when I never said anything. 'Are you alright?'

I sighed. 'I would be lying if I would say I am,' I replied as I held her closer. We sat in a comfortable silence, trying to gauge what we will be saying next.

'Binssi, I can say no to the reunion if you don't want me to go,' she said. I looked at her surprised.

'What? What do you mean?' I asked her, surprised that she would change her decision if I asked her to.

'I can tell them that I can't go,' she said as she rested on my chest. I slowly lied down so she would feel comfortable.

'Baby, we are here already and this is the reason why we are here,' I told her, smiling. 'And you know what, I trust you. So I would not ask you to do so, since I know that you want to spend time with them too. Just be careful about that guy though,' I continued.

She sighed and then smiled.

'Can you come with me though, baby? Please,' she said. I chuckled and answered her.

'And make your school reunion more chaotic? I bet the sight of you there would be enough to bring some chaos,' I replied, as she pinched me on the side. We ended laughing at what was supposed to be a serious discussion.

The morning came and I found myself snuggling with my wife. I never realized I fell asleep and I am not sure if I was the first to drift off. Last night's conversation had me thinking that what if that man pursued her when she was younger, would she have said yes to him? Her thoughts of striking a deal with me was actually something I found sweet of her, but then I also wanted her to enjoy the moment with her high school friends. I am sure they wanted to see her too.

I actually really wanted to come with her but there is a much better plan running through my mind now.

Yejin slowly moved and I looked at her. Her face contorted into a somewhat annoyance of whatever it was, but then it comes with every movement as we sleep. I smiled, and as soon as I saw her slowly open her eyes, I gave her a heartwarming smile. She stared at me for a moment before she broke out into a smile herself and snuggled closer to me.

'Baby, can I still sleep?' she asked as she buried her face on my chest. Checking the time, I gave her an embrace and allowed her to do so. It was still 4:30am, and I am sure everyone in the house is still asleep.

'Sure, we can still sleep in,' I replied as I closed my eyes for a moment, inhaling her lavender scent that surely lulled me to sleep once more.

But then half an hour after, we woke up to the cries of Lilo. So much for early morning cuddles with my lovely wife. I opened my eyes and got up, leaving her in bed and went to Lilo's crib and picked her up.

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