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"This is the correct path. Trust me."

Tay Tawan Vihokratana huffed in silent annoyance at his best friend's statement. He jumped a bit to haul up the heavy backpack which was beginning to ride low on his back. "When have something good ever come out of you saying that?" He complained and Arm grunted his agreement.

About five years ago, Arm, Tay, and Off decided to have an annual celebration of their friendship. They called it their 'friendniversary'. This was celebrated by going out to eat at an overpriced restaurant, doing something they've never done before, and then drinking themselves to a stupor and complaining about how fast they are growing.

Last year, Off cried about how they were going to die old and alone because neither of them had a girlfriend.

"Tell you what," he had slurred waving a beer bottle in hand. "If we're still single by 30, I'm gonna marry one of you."

"Not it." Arm announced.

Off turned to Tay with a lewd smile that made him want to hurl. "That makes you the lucky one"

"No!" Tay said, "I'm gonna be dating the prettiest woman by next year."

"or man." Arm interjected.

Tay smiled at his best friend with a lazy nod, "Or man. And I won't need to marry you."

"We'll see." Off said. It sounded like a threat.

Now, exactly a year later and fully sober (for now) they hadn't mentioned their 'deal' yet. Tay hoped they never would. This year, Off suggested hiking for an activity they have never performed before. Tay was against it but he was just one person and Arm seemed to be on board. So as the rules of democracy allowed, his vote was canceled out. That brought them to their current predicament.

"I don't see any other hikers on our trail," Tay complained again.

"Maybe it's because there aren't any other hikers today! Only one of us had an A in geography and it is neither one of you." Off was defensive. He turned to Arm with a condescending look. "You had a B and you sir," he looked to Tay. "Got a big whooping D."

"That was in high school." Arm said.

He shook the map he had in his hands. "Can any of you read a map that is not electronic?" When he was met with silence, he scoffed. "I didn't think so. Follow my lead and stop whining. I know what I'm doing."

They grunted and followed him. Their phones were useless here as there was no cellular network reception or Wi-Fi on the mountain trail. Off had their phones in a small handbag. "I'm the map guy I don't need to carry anything heavy", Arm had their camping tent and sleeping bags shoved in his backpack, and Tay, the unlucky one had all their food and three good packs of beer in the big bag on his back. He was tired and it seemed his lower body had stopped being his.

The friends wandered in no direction for a few more minutes before Tay's legs finally gave up on him. He found a suspicious-looking boulder and sat on it. It took his friends some seconds to notice he wasn't trailing after them.

"What are you doing?" Off asked, walking back to him.

"Oh, I don't know, sipping a glass of wine. What the fuck does it look like I'm doing?"

Off wiped the sweat on his forehead with his thumb and flicked it at Tay. "Drama queen."

Tay scrunched his nose in disgust. "Animal! You have led us to the middle of nowhere on what is supposed to be one of the best days in our whole frigging year. All because of what? Because you had A in geography more than 10 years ago!!!"

CAMPED IN YOUR HEART (Complete ✅)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz