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New applied an ointment to the cut and bandaged it. He tapped Tay's leg. "Okay, done."

"Thank you." Tay pulled his legs back and inspected the clean work. "Do you do this often?"

"Drag unconscious men to my tent?" He asked, brows lifted.

"No, not that. But now, I want to know the answer to that too."

He smiled. "Only the handsome ones."

Tay was shocked by his forwardness. He recovered quickly. "Lucky me." He returned the smile.

New held his eyes for a few seconds. Then looked away. He put the first aid kit and his bag away. "I'll move my mattress to the side so you can fit yours."

"Uhm," Tay scratched his head. "I don't have one."

New's brows rumpled. "Okay, what at all do you have in that bag?"

Tay reached for the bag and pulled out the contents one by one. New stared at him dumbfounded for a few seconds. "Beer?" He whispered eventually. "And three packs at that? The snacks I get, but beer?"

"There is a story." Tay held his hands up in defense.

"Beer?" New said again, a puzzled frown on his face. Tay laughed.

"I swear there's a story."

"I would like to hear it if you don't mind."

"Well you see—,"


"A in geography." New laughed. "That's funny. I don't know Off but I love him."

"You love him because you don't know him." Tay amended, chuckling.

New's eyes had disappeared in mirth. "Next time you want to go hiking, opt for a guide."

"We wanted to but Off swore we didn't need one because...,"

"He had an A in geography." New finished the sentence with laughter in his voice and tears in his eyes. "I love Off," he repeated.

New's laughter was contagious. Tay joined in.

"What about you?" Tay asked when they were both calmer. "Why are you here alone? I read somewhere that it's dangerous to go hiking by oneself."

New shrugged. "I've been doing this alone for the past one year. I come here for a weekend once every other month. Life back at home is—," he hesitated "—a lot. So I come here to unwind. I found this spot on my second hiking trip and have camped here ever since."

"I know what you mean by life is a lot. Adulting, right? This place is beautiful so I get it. I must admit, when I saw you, I thought you were lonely."

"Peace is often mistaken for loneliness."

Tay rubbed at his warm neck. "I guess I ruined your alone time."

"It's unusual but it's not unwelcome."

"Still, I'm sorry."

"You have to make it up to me in some other way."

"In cash or kind?"

"You'll have to wait and see." He winked. Tay's face burned some more. Off wouldn't let him live this down if he were present.

"We'll see." Tay flirted right back. He was in the middle of the forest with a handsome stranger who could be a cultist cannibal or a serial killer. He might as well live like these were his last moments. He took a pack of Off's favorite crackers. "Let's eat first."

"You're too generous." New grinned.


Some minutes later, Tay was laid on his back next to New. Any small movement and he would be touching the man. New had turned off the torch in the tent, plunging them in darkness. The flames from the fire outside provided some light and warmth. He peeked to his side. New was laid down as stiff as himself.

"I can't sleep," Tay whispered into the darkness.

"Me neither," New whispered back.

"I know why I can't sleep. Why can't you sleep?" Tay whispered again.

"First, I want to know why we are whispering."

Tay cleared his throat and spoke out loud. "I don't know." He chuckled. "Why can't you sleep?"

"I'm uncomfortable. Half of my body is resting on the ground."

Tay glanced at the space between them. He was also half hanging on the air mattress but he didn't want to move closer and make New uncomfortable. "We could, you know, move closer."

"Like cuddle?" New was back to whispering.

"No—I mean yes, we could do that. It would make more sense to cuddle."

"It's only logical." New agreed. "It'll keep us warmer too."

Tay shifted closer and New followed until their shoulders touched. Then slowly, New rolled over onto his belly, draped one leg over Tay's, and rested his head on his chest. Tay swallowed. The points where their bodies touched tingled. He was amazed at how natural it felt to have the man on him.

"It's your turn to tell me why you can't sleep." New muffled against his chest.

"It's going to sound absurd now."

"Now I want to know the more."

"I was scared you'd murder me in my sleep."

New's shoulders shook with laughter. "What kind of shows have you been watching?"

"I don't watch TV. I'd rather read."

"That was rhetorical but thanks for the information. I think you're safer in this position."

"How so?" Asked Tay.

"If I should wake up to murder you, you'd feel it."

"I'd feel safer if I held you. It'd be easier to restrain you should you get any murderous urges at night. May I?"

There was a pause. Then, "You may, for safety purposes."

Tay wrapped an arm around New. The man sighed and relaxed against him.

"Goodnight," New said.


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