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Juniper POV:

After my first class, which was Charms, I started going to my Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Harry. We met up with Ron and Hermione on the way there.

After the group of four sat in the front of the class with Hermionie on the ends and Harry next to me, Ron yelled "YOU BROUGHT IT TO THE CLASS WITH YOU?!"

"Um no actually, I brought him to class with me." I replied calmly. "Snakes have feelings to Ronald."

"Yea we do Ronald" Aro hissed

"No, they don't!" Ron explained

"Actually Ron, they do" Harry spoke.

" I smiled happily at Ron, who huffed and started to scoot closer to Hermione to get away from Aro.

About a minute later everybody was in the classroom and in their seats. Professor Olmarvo walked in and instantly the room fell quiet which was honestly such a power move in my opinion.

"Hello" He said to the class. "Welcome to sixth year Defense Against the Dark Arts. I've been informed of your lack of proper teaching so to start off this year, I'm giving a quiz to see what you know and what you don't.

Harry and I looked at each other and he said "he's ruining it already." I just gave him the 'you just don't want to do a quiz' look. In my opinion, it was a smart thing to do. To learn what our skills are and what we need help in. So far, so good.

The class got started as soon as he handed out the quizzes. Aro, being the curious little snake he is, popped his head out and hissed "This seems easy."

I just looked at him weirdly and responded with "Oh be quiet Arse." When I looked up from him I noticed Professor Olmarvo looking around the room, most likely wondering where the hissing was coming from.

I look up at the Professor hoping he didn't mind that I had a snake with me but to my relief, he wasn't even looking at me. He was just looking around the room, searching for it.

Then he looked at me. Fuck.

"He seems kind of weird" Aro hissed. I didn't respond until he said "It's almost like he knows what we're saying, he understands us."

I stopped writing and said back to him "I highly doubt it. The only Parselmouths alive right now are Harry, Voldemort and I so I really don't think so."

"Are you sure your information is correct?" I heard a soft but raspy masculine hiss in my ear that sent a shiver down my spine and turned me on slightly.

"FUCK ME WITH A CHAINSAW!" I hiss yelled in Parseltongue in surprise, catching the attention of classmates around.

I nervously looked over to see Professor Olmarvo standing there with a slightly amused expression on his face. "Please stay after class with me Miss. Potter and stop talking to your snake in class." he said.



After class, I put my things in my backpack and walked up to the Professor's desk. Then I noticed my friends looking at me.

"I'll be fine guys." I said "I'll meet you guys in the common room." They nodded apprehensively and left the room.

Professor Olmarvo stood behind his desk looking at me and Arsenic, whose head was looking out of my robes.

"Professor" I began speaking. "I'm sorry if speaking to Arsenic was disturbing your class-" I was cut off by him saying "be quiet" and sitting down.

"You're not in trouble Miss. Potter" He said.

"I'm not? And please, call me Juniper or June" I asked, slightly confused.

"Not at all." He responded "I am actually quite impressed with how fluently you speak. It's not an easy language to speak and better yet fluently."

I was left speechless. Speaking parseltongue was never something I was complimented on seeing as people say it to be "dark".

"Thanks." I said. The room was brought over by awkward silence until he said "The reason I wanted to speak with you was that I was informed by Professor Dumbledore that you've been taking Occlumency lessons from Professor Snape. This is correct, yes?"

"Yea it is." I responded

"Great" he said. "The Headmaster told me I will be your new Occlumency instructor so I just wanted to inform you that we will have lessons on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Wednesdays from 3:30 to 6 and Saturdays from 5:30 to 9:30."

"Yea that works fine" I said

"Great" he responded. "Then I will see you later Juniper"

I smiled slightly at him, then said "See you later sir." and then left the classroom.


Later that day I informed my friends of what was happening. They seemed surprised but were fine with it.

After classes and dinner that day, I was tired so I went to bed and slept peacefully until the next day

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝒊𝒏 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒔𝒆 - 𝑻𝒐𝒎 𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 (𝑶𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒅)Where stories live. Discover now