Unexpected Arrival (1)

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AFO: Get up, young Y/n. You are still far from being a true villain.

Y/n gets up from being beat by AFO, and AFO was only using less than 1% of his power.

Y/n: Yes... I shall endure everything to become a Villain

AFO: Haha, good child. Now then, let's continue next training, you still can't even handle the first one by the looks of it. Now, let's go! Child!

Y/n: Yes! But, what do I call you?

AFO: Hmm. It's quite troublesome having to train without knowing your mentor's name, very well.

AFO: You may call me Father from now on.

Y/n: Yes Father.

AFO: Now let's make haste and train you some more before you receive your extra quirks.

Y/n: Understood!

AFO walks downstairs towards his training area, and Y/n follows Father.

They were now at the training area, a fair distance between them, and AFO gets in a stance.

AFO: Come, I promise I'll go easy on you child

Y/n: If you say so.

(Timeskip - 10 years later)

((Note: When Y/n's parents were killed, he was a mere 8 year old. When he was captured by AFO, he was 10, now he's 20 this year.

I also forgot to mention.

Mika and Y/n lived as homeless kids in the city for 2 years, they were living in a made up shack Y/n made.

Y/n let himself get caught in order for Mika to escape from the bad guy.

Man, what a good brother.))

Y/n was currently training by himself, as AFO was watching him.

Sometime between the past 10 years, AFO gave Y/n 2 extra quirks.

The first one being "Tyranny"

Tyranny: This quirk is a priced quirk of AFO.

Description: The user can willingly improve any sort of ability or talent for short periods of time

The quirk is strongly influenced by emotions, so, the more furious the more powerful the improvement, but shorter the length, the calmer the user, lesser the boost, but will be able to improve for longer periods of time.

Disadvantages: When used longer than usual, the quirk will automatically hinder the movement of muscle for 10 seconds or more.

The second and last one being "Quake"

Quake: Also a priced quirk of AFO. But more devastating than Tyranny.

Description: Quake. A legendary quirk who's ability is controlling the movement of the Earthquakes.


Helmet Splitter
Rapid Thrust
Devastating Fist

Ultimate move: ???

Description of abilities will be revealed later on in the story.

Retuning to the story.

As Y/n was training, punching the air, dodging, using his quirks, etc, He noticed AFO observing him.

Y/n stopped his training and walked towards AFO

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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