Drive with Patton

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"So." We'd gotten in the car without talking, though the music had been turned on and it was only after pulling out of the driveway that Patton spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had grown once we'd left the house.

"Direct me?" He asked and I nodded, keeping my eyes on the road instead of him.

"Keep going along this road until the next turning, then turn left." He nodded and silence once again fell in the car. It was uncomfortable.

I wasn't sure whether to be relived or dismayed when Patton spoke again.

"So you and Virgil, huh?" It felt like there was more to that, the way he'd said it, but he continued on before I could ask him to explain. "How'd you meet?"

The car turned left and I subtly mulled over the question in my head, certain that Virgil had, at some point, told them. Why wouldn't he have after all?

"We knocked into each other after I'd been doing some food shopping. I was on my way back and neither of us were particularly looking where we were going. He asked if he could help and I let him." Patton nodded along, smile perking up as he laughed.

"That's cute. I'm glad that he met you, You know?" I didn't. Nor did I really understand where he was going with this but I listened on anyway.

"He's so anxious all the time about meeting new people, so it's nice that he's got a- friend as wonderful as you!" His voice was louder at the end and I felt my eyebrows scrunch at the pause before the word 'friend.' Did Virgil not consider me as such?

"Thank you. I consider Virgil a very good friend as well." Then, in a different tone I pointed my thumb right.

"Turn right the next exit." He nodded, turning his indicator on though somehow it felt as though his attention never wavered from me despite also driving.

"So, what's your soulmate like? They must be very lucky." He grinned, a wide, beautiful thing that he shot right in my direction after a question that came out of nowhere.

"Oh." Thrown back by the almost compliment and question I found myself fumbling around the answer, suddenly nervous, suddenly remembering that Patton was my soulmate and I shouldn't have been with him at all.

"Well, I don't- I don't have one. Actually." And the older looked so upset, genuinely, deeply upset that it confused me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Haven't you met them yet?"

"No. But I-" I stopped, having originally going to go on about how I didn't want a soulmate, didn't need one like I'd always said I didn't, yet something stopped me. I wasn't sure what, but it made me question everything I'd thought about soulmates. I wasn't- I wasn't even entirely sure what had changed, either.

"It's okay, you'll meet them soon, I'm sure! It's magical, like the best thing ever! My soulmates are the best. I don't know what I'd do without them." He was smiling softer now, a loving, open, honest expression of pure adoration poring over his freckled face and I felt my chest tighten uncomfortably, breath caught tight in my throat like I couldn't breathe. 

It took me a while to get my words out after that but eventually (and luckily before it got awkward) I managed to get something out.

"Well, I'm sure they're lucky to have you, too. " The way I'd said it was more broken then I'd intended, stiff rather then fluid. I hoped that it hadn't come across as insincere but at the same time I also hoped it hadn't been as soft or gentle as it had sounded in myself in my head.

"Thank you!" He laughed out, sincere and delighted before suddenly tapping the steering wheel loudly with his right hand, gasping out loud.

"Oh!" His face lit up, practically yelling and he turned to look at me for a second, sky blue eyes clashing brightly against mine.

"I almost forgot. It's Virgil's birthday in a week and me and Roman are setting up a surprise party for him!" Knowing Virgil, I found this a little strange. As someone who was easily overwhelmed, I hadn't imagined that surprises would be well received.

"It would be wonderful if you would come! I'd love it, he'd love it, everyone would love it!" Patton, I thought briefly, was like an excited puppy, with bright, excited eyes, soft features and an enthusiasm I couldn't bring myself to say no too.

If I had been standing I was sure my legs would have left weak.

"Are you sure? I'd hate to intrude." And I don't know what I'd do if there were loads of people. Crowds made me- uncomfortable. I pointed right again, and he turned into that street before continuing.

"No, it would be great. We want you there! And it would mean a lot to Virgil." Seeing my hesitation still, he carried on, rambling now.

"And it's a small gathering anyway, only a few close friends and family so it's not like there's too many people. Please come?" Despite the reluctance I'd been feeling (and showing) so far, I was never actually going to say no. The thought of disappointing the hopeful ray of sunshine in front of me was enough to push me into nodding, though my brain was telling me not too.

"Sure. I'll come." The resulting squeal of excitement was so loud that it startled me and I watched with something close to fondness as he moved about as much as he possibly could while driving, smile bright.

"That's great! Yay! I can't wait. Okay, lemme just-" he took one hand off the wheel (much to my nervousness) and snatched his phone out of the side door, unlocking it, though there was no password anyway, before handing it over to me.

"Here, put your number in so I can give you the details and stuff." I complied, knowing my number by heart and adding it in before handing it back.

"Done, and it's left here." He drove down my street as he put his phone back on the door and I pointed out the front window.

"Just park up down there, at the end." I instructed and he nodded along, finally pulling up and pulling up the break.

"Great. I'll text you so you have my number, too." He grabbed his phone and only a few seconds later he was looking up at me expectedly, the pause going on for another second before I realized what he was waiting for.

"Oh." I pulled my phone out of my pocket sheepishly.

"It's dead. I'll charge it when I get inside and text you back so you know it's the right number though." Patton smiled, nodding along.

"Great! Oh hey, Logan! Why did the phone wear glasses?" Suddenly extremely confused I felt my face scrunch up, not sure what to say because the question made no sense at all. I was about to ask him what he meant when he continued.

"Because it lost it's contacts!" He burst into laughter, giggles rolling off his tongue and I looked around, still confused as I tried to figure out what he meant.

The laughs died down eventually and he wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Sorry, sorry. Dad jokes." I felt myself scowl at the word. I knew what those were. He laughed again at my expression and I softened at the sound of his bubbling laughter, shaking my head in both dismay and affection.

"Well, anyway, thank you for the lift." I said, ending the experience where it was while he smiled.

"You're welcome!" And then as I got out of the car he waved enthusiastically, winding his window down as I stepped up to my building.

"See you soon!" I heard his yell as I opened the door, looking back once more to see his manic waving. I gave one last wave of my own before walking inside, door shutting behind me and cutting off all noise.

Suddenly, it was silent. 

Alone in the corridor by myself I sighed, dragging a hand down my face.

( I'm tired, it's late and I didn't actually spell check this chapter so sorry for any mistakes, I'll get to it eventually.

Hope you enjoyed anyway, I've got some seriously fun stuff planned ahead so watch out for that. It's gonna get intense and I can't wait.

Bye! And I'll update again soon!)

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