Helping hands

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A few weeks later:

Andrea's pov

Liv was in denial. She lost her twin. The one person who was always there for her. Kai Parker merged with Luke. She shut everyone out. So I decided to give her some space. I went back to mystic falls.

Mystic Grill

I walk in, looking lifeless. I didn't have anything in particular to look forward to. But then I saw her. She was there. She was actually there.

"Bonnie?" I called out

She was with Elena. She came back and she went straight to Elena. Does her sister mean nothing to her?

"Andrea hey" she said with a weak and half hearted smile.

She walked towards me and gave me an awkward hug but I didnt hug back. I was in shock. She came back and the first person she went to was the crybaby whore.

"Are you okay Andrea?"

"Am I okay? Bonnie you came back to life and you didnt even think of me? How long have you been here?"

"I— I came back a few days ago. I'm sorry I didn't visit you. I've been busy. I'm really sorry Andrea"

"Save it" I replied.

"Maybe you should cut her some slack Andrea. She's been in a prison world for a long time. She deserves a break. She's—" Elena started.

"Could you just NOT butt into everything? Not everything concerns you Elena" I cut her off

She looked at me with a confused look.

"Why are you being so rude to me? What did I ever do to you? Is it because I'm friends with Bonnie?" She replied in her whiny annoying tone.

"Jesus christ Elena the world doesn't revolve around you and as I said before, this doesn't concern you so get out of my sight before I set your annoyingly straight hair on fire" I replied.

She gave me her signature "hurt" look and left

"Bye bye now" I mocked.

"There's no need to be rude Andrea. You're  acting out because I didn't visit you and I told you that I had things to attend to. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my friend" Bonnie replied.

"God who are you Bonnie? Your entire existence revolves around saint Elena. It's like you don't even have your own life. So please. By all means go after Elena. I mean it's not like I'm your sister or anything"

She glared at me and left.

I felt nauseous. It was like she didn't even care.

"Hey can I get you anything?" A voice asked.

"Oh hey Matt. Um— actually I have to get going. Nice meeting you though. I havent seen you in forever"

Saying that, I left.

I went to Grams house.

The keys were old and rusted.

"Why won't this door fucking open" I screamed

"Hi there. Need help?" A familiar voice asked.

Kai. Great.

"What do you want Kai? Do you wanna stab my best friend? Or kill another one of your siblings? What can I do for you?? Oh. Maybe I can buy you a gun. Or sharpen your knife" I said sarcastically.

"Actually that would be great but I don't feel so murder-y today. I wanted to ask you out actually. Do you wanna have dinner with me?" He asked.

"Are you insane? Like are you seriously asking me out after the shit you pulled? You stabbed your sister and murdered your brother in some crazy ass ritual. No way in hell I'm going out with you"

He looked hurt
"Look I know I've done terrible things but I wanna make it up to you. I tried to apologize to your sister but she wont even look at me. But I like you. And I don't want you to hate me"

"Well it's too late for that. I can't forgive you for what you did" I replied and started walking away.

"Wait" i stopped half way and turned back. "What do you mean you apologized to my sister. What did you do to her?" I asked.

"Oh not much really" he replied casually

"I might have hurt her a little bit. But only after she hurt me first. I was just trying to get even with her. But now I feel bad and I wanted to apologize but she doesn't seem convinced" he said

"No shit sherlock. And by "hurt" I'm assuming you stabbed her"

"Actually I did. It was kinda funny actually" he started laughing

"Haven't changed a bit I see. I best be off. Bye now. I hope you walk into a chainsaw" I replied

I was starting to walk away but then my phone started ringing. It was Bonnie. What could she possibly want?

I stopped and picked up my phone. "Hello "sister" what can I do for you?"

"Um hey Andrea. I know we're on rocky terms but I was wondering if you could help"

"You want my h—"

"Ooh is it Bonnie? Can I talk to her please?" Kai interrupted.

"No you cannot you deranged psychopath" I whispered


"Yes Bonnie?"

"Are you with...Kai Parker?"

"Yes I am. Unfortunately" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Andrea. Listen to me carefully. Get out of there. Now" bonnie said sternly.

"Yeah I'm trying to" I replied.

"No wait. Actually bring Kai and meet me at the Salvatore boarding house. Now"

"Okay?? I'm a bit concerned but sure"

"Hey. Malachi. Bonnie wants to see us at the Salvatore boarding house"

"Hmm. Okay" he replied cheerily

Salvatore boarding house

"So what is it that you need from us Bonnie? I'm assuming its something for Elena." I said while playing with my rings

"Actually no. It's for Stefan. I saw Stefan's mom in another prison world and I'm going to get her. Along with Damon. But we need more power to get to a prison world. I was wondering if you and Kai would help?

"Will you forgive me if I help you?" Kai asked?

"Well—" bonnie hesitated.


"Great then let's do it" Kai said

"Uh okay I guess"

"Are we ready to go?" Elena's whiny voice called from behind.

"What's she doing here?" I asked.

"Oh yeah she's hell bent on coming. We don't really have a choice" Damon replied.

"Let me guess. Damon is coming too"

"Well ofcourse he is" he smirked

Two hours later, we finally did the spell. Bonnie channeled my magic and kai siphoned the power from me. Everything got blurry. And then it went blank.

A/n: sorry I havent updated in a while. I barely ever get the motivation to write so you can expect the next update in like two weeks :)

Betrayal- Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now