7.Fronnie Sleepover/18+

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I told freddy it was fun then and he smiled back

"You should really practise more you know i can't carry you all the time." I said to Freddy. He nodded in responce

"Hey um Bon im Really really sorry on what i said 3 days ago." Freddy nearly crying

"It is fine Fre-". I got cut off by freddy

"No bon it's not you list you'r virginity."Freddy said Concerned for me

"Fred... Atleast you guys saved me you guys didn't came in their i would of died i cared for you freddy i am your friend an that is what friends are for caring loving crying for each other". I said To Freddy showing that it is all fine

Freddy looked at my eyes and i looked at his i can tell he is lost on thought's and so am i we leaned closer and closer and closer until we kissed then we let go and i kissed him this time roughly again and he kiased back roughly aswell Then we stop so we can breath and we locked eyes again and kissed again then we stoped and we are now cuddeling

"Freddy.."i said to Freddy gwtting his attention

"Yes Bon"Freddy said to me

"Do you have feelings for me or Foxy?
I said to Freddy while cuddeling him

"Freddy Grabbed my face and i looked at him straight on the eyes"

"Bonnie i want you i love you Bonnie my heart has changed now i want you" freddy said to me i was shocked

"I-i love you my Fazbear"I said to Freddy

"Love you to my Cuddle bunny" Freddy said while snuggeling on me

"While he was snuggeling on me he grabbed my arm and i scream pain"

"Freddy Removed my clothes and saw my cuts on my arm that was just recent"

"Freddy looked in fear and horror"

"Bo..b--bon?"Freddy said concerned

"Im sorry fred i just thought no one loves me"

"Yeah we do we love you bon i love you Bon more than Foxy more than anything else I love you Bon until till the day i die" i Blushed Freddy Blushed alot

"Freddy grabbed some more bandage for my arm and make it tighter to heal faster"

"Freddy said Bon do you wanna you know make out you and me"

"I want to but you'r brothers might here us" i said to Freddy

"It doesn't matter at least u have me and i have you now"

FreddyxBonnie smut content
Wait for the diamond 💠 for smut to be over

"Freddy pinned me on the bed and removed every clothing on me and Freddy now we are on our boxers"

"We will have fun Cuddle Bunny"

"Freddy french kissed me our tongues are fighting for dominance. I lost and freddy explored my entire mouth and even licked my tongue and teeth. After one last lick on my tongue freddy freddy removed our boxers and kissed my nipples.

"Freddy was now holding my dick and playing with it like a joystick while he is sucking my nipples. I took freddy's dick and play with it too he moaned while sucking my nipples. I let go of his dick and and he kissed my body all the way down till he reached my dick and he start licking it like a popsicle"

soo...good" i moaned out

"Hehe you like it? how about i suck it" Freddy said full of lust

You Don't Belong Here (Freddy x SuicidalBonnie)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora