Before The Journey

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Team JNKRR (Janker) was on their way to Mistral Academy, carrying their bags to the train station. They were still wearing their old school uniform they wore back at Beacon, with the exception of Kakyoin because he was from Mistral. As they walked to the train station, Ruby turned to Kakyoin. Ruby stopped walking and so did her teammates.

Ruby: "Noriaki-"

Kakyoin: "You can call me Kakyoin."

Nora: "So like Ren?"

Ren: "I guess it doesn't sound right when y'all say my first name."

Ruby: "Oh yeah, sorry. But, Kakyoin... Why did you want to join my group on our journey to Mistral Academy?"

Kakyoin: "I'm not so sure why but I guess it's due to the fact that I owe a great debt y'all as Pyrrha saved my life. And I also need to see my family. It's been days after the Fall of Beacon so they must be worried about me."

Jaune flinched when he heard Pyrrha's name.

Jaune: "But we weren't able to save her life."

Team JNKRR stood in silence before Kakyoin realized something.

Kakyoin: "Hey Jaune?"

Jaune looked at Kakyoin.

Jaune: "Yeah?"

Kakyoin: "I realized something. How did you get Pyrrha's weapons at Beacon? Did you go on your own with Ren and get Pyrrha's weapons or-"

As Kakyoin was about finish his sentence they heard the train go past and it didn't look like it was going to slow down. Team JNKRR looked at the train and it was tilting sideways and it fell. Some dirt got in everyone in the team except Kakyoin and Jaune but they did get dust on their clothes. Team JNKRR stood in shock but after they were done looking for a couple of seconds they immediately went inside the train to see if anyone were inside. Kakyoin used his Hierophant to slither through the door and bring the passengers out. Other huntsmen had also helped the passengers to get them to safety. Luckily enough, no one died in the train accident because of aura. Kakyoin went to look where the conductor is and he soon enough found him. Kakyoin grabbed him by the shirt pulled the conductor towards Kakyoin.

Kakyoin: "What happened?! Did you just made a mistake!? You could've killed everyone on that train!"

Conductor: "I'm so sorry! I don't what happened. I was driving the train when suddenly the train got hacked and I couldn't do anything I'm so sorry!"

Kakyoin stopped pulling the conductors' shirt and started to think.

*Could it be Watts? I don't know why he would do this. But I will get answers if- no... when I see him.* Kakyoin thought to himself.

Kakyoin walked to his team and they were standing close to a construction worker.

Construction worker: "Yep. That'll take days, maybe weeks to get this train out of the railroads."

Ruby: "Weeks!?"

Jaune: "What are we going to do now?" As Jaune says towards his team.

Kakyoin: "We'll walk our way to Mistral Academy."

The rest of the team looked all surprised at Kakyoins' words.

Nora: "Are you serious?! It's gonna take days and maybe weeks to get there!"

Kakyoin: "My mind says that it's best if we walk our way to Mistral Academy. It'll take longer if we wait for the train to get out of the way. There would be a lot of rescheduling and if we want to finish Rubys' goal, then we'll have to go the hard way."

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