"Come here little bro." He mutters while hastily walking over towards me.

With his hands out wide to embrace me in a hug, he marches towards me. I tuck my hands even closer to my sides, as much as I like seeing him again I'm still not a hugger - I don't think I'll ever be.

I can't squirm out of this one. Before my brain can even process it, I'm being squished by his arms. I'm being pressed tightly against him as he keeps his arms around me and sways us from side to side for a second.

"I'll leave you boys be." Lacy says, before I hear the clicking of her heals fade away.

I struggle to get my hands free but once they are I hesitantly bring them up to awkwardly pat him on the back.

"Missed you too Ni." I choke out, while uncomfortably patting his back. I'm fighting for air at this point as his arms are still death gripping me.

"Okay Niall... you can let go now." I say through little air.

Once he finally notices he's crushing me, he realises his hold on me and takes a step back, looking my figure up and down again.

"It's good to see you mate." He says, shaking his head in contentment.

"Yeah." I agree - I'm not the best at this sentimental shit.

"I see you've gotten some more tattoos." He observes, trailing his eyes up my arms covered in ink.

Last he saw of me a had a couple here and there. I see he's kept his skin free of them, well this uncovered skin anyway.

"You've got some facial hair going on." I say, while gesturing to my chin. He agrees with a proud nod, touching his own face.

"Alright let's get going shall we?" He says while slapping his hands together and rubbing them in excitement.

Niall walked me to where he spends a lot of his time, in this area with a circle table in the middle and computer screens everywhere. We caught up on each others lives since we have seen one another a couple of years ago, I was also told me about his job as a hacker and the eyes which honestly seems pretty intense.

After we had a fairly long chat about what his job entails he walked me through the training area. I saw a bunch of people shooting guns, throwing knives, combat, all the things you'd need to know how to do.

Then we went to see the gym which seemed pretty vacant. There was one, maybe two people in there, just minding their own business working out. Perfect for me considering I like to work out to get my mind of stuff, and I hate when people watch me so by the looks of the empty gym I'm in luck.

The equipment is fancy, almost like it shouldn't be touched. This place is way fancier than all the other headquarters I've visited around the world. But it still doesn't compare to Paris. I've only been there once for not even 24 hours and I only saw a couple of rooms but it's next level.

It's massive, and when I say massive... I mean massive. It's the headquarters of all headquarters, it's where the superiors stay and it's maximum security. I mean every HQ is high security but Paris is extreme.

As we continue down a long hallway, my stomach flutters with excitement. Not for getting a new partner - I still hate that idea, but for the fact I'll be back to my normal duties. Such as car chases, undercover missions, torturing, even killing.

"Your partner is going to be a handful." Niall mumbles as he pushes through metal doors.

"Oh really?" I tut, almost like I've been challenged.

"Yeah mate, she's gone through at least 10 partners in the last three months." He scoffs, keeping his eyes forwards.

Yet again I'm taking that as a challenge, I feel the need to prove that I'm the best partner she'll ever have - even though I have no clue who she is.

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