Chapter 5 (Mature Content)

Start from the beginning

"She's a great person." Dustin continued. "I can't imagine my life without her but this short time I've had with you..."

Their eyes met for a moment, Dustin felt uncomfortable with what he revealed and looked down.

"I've noticed that rabbits have a few polyarmorus relationships. Why is that?" Dana asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Werewolves have mates. We have one person, and one person only, that is our destiny. Once we meet then there is no one else. It is a lifelong commitment."

"That sounds nice." Dustin said while thinking about his own father and how he had two wives. His father loved them both equally but would occasionally feel the need to still visit the Fuck Bunny in town. Commitment was a loose term and it was an evolutionary instinct for most bucks to try and impregnate the entire female population to ensure the survival of a weaker species. Their human side however was more careful. Inbreeding would be frowned upon so everyone was required to be mapped out on a family tree.

Female does were not jealous of one another. Each one was special in their own way and males made sure that they were appreciated for their gifts. The problem for Dustin was that he never felt any attraction for any of the other does in the area. They were always like warm sunny days. Being with Dana made him realize that it was the comfort of cold cloudy days that he enjoyed the most. No other female rabbit could give him that. They couldn't give him what he craved. He wanted to be dominated. This beautiful she-wolf brought out his submissive side and he trusted her to care for him. Sexually anyways. He would have to do better at guarding his heart because he could easily fall for her. The thought made him sad. If Dana was correct then as soon as she met her "one" then he would be thrown aside and lose all that he had with her. The idea made him panic.

Sensing her companion's sudden anxiety, Dana asked, "What are you thinking about Rabbit?"

Looking around, Dustin realized that they were near home. Taking her hand, he pulled her along to the house. He felt an urgent desire to hold her tight so that she would never let him go. Slamming the heavy wooden door shut, he kissed her desperately. He was forcefully shoved away. He fell against the back of a couch, breathing heavily, as her glittering eyes studied him like a true predator.

"On your knees. Eyes on the floor." she commanded.

Heart thudding and his jeans tight against his arousal, Dustin fell to his knees immediately. The silence was deafening and he wanted to look up but was too afraid of disappointing Dana so he kept his head down. A few moments later, the ring of her boots on the floor caused him to tense in anticipation. She walked with deliberate strides and stopped in front of him. The rich smell of spice and femininity teased his senses. He would love to strip away the layers of clothing and bury his tongue in between her delicate folds up to that little bundle of nerves while she moaned her pleasure like a good slave. Dana placed a hand on his hair, drawing his attention away from his fantasy, and trailed her fingers along the side of his face. Using her fingertips under his chin, she brought his head up and his blues eyes met hers.

"You will go to the bedroom and strip." came the rough command. "Then you will kneel by the foot of the bed with your eyes to the floor and you will wait for me." she said in that throaty sexy voice hers that made his dick jump. "You will address me only as 'mistress.'" she added.

Heat throbbed through his body as he quickly dashed to the master bedroom. He gave up all control and only wanted to please her... his mistress. Throwing his clothes off onto the floor he knelt by the bed and waited with tense anticipation. A few minutes later, Dana walked into the bedroom.

"My, my. Such a messy Rabbit. Messy Rabbits are bad rabbits and need to be disciplined." she tutted.

Dustin felt ashamed at his sloppiness in doing her bidding and aroused at the thought of such a taboo notion of discipline. Would she spank him like a naughty child, he wondered.

"Come here, Rabbit." she commanded.

Already on his knees he crawled to her keeping his head low.

"Pick up that shirt with your teeth and place it on the chair in the corner."

Doing as she bid, he remained on his knees and carried the item to the chair. Rising up to drag the shirt onto the chair fully, he felt the sole of one of her small boots between his shoulder blades pushing him down onto the chair holding him in place. The sound of leather snapping startled him.

"Have you been disciplined before?" she asked.

Dustin shook his head.

"Words Rabbit!"


"No, what?" she snapped.

"No, Mistress."

"Since this is your first time. We'll start slow. Five strokes for every item you pick up."

Dustin hissed as the first kiss of his own leather belt struck his flesh. Four more strikes and he crawled back to the discarded pieces. The fire and pull of his muscles as he moved back and forth retrieving items and receiving his licks made his cock leak.

"Stand." Dana said. Dustin bite his lip to keep from groaning out loud. Dana lightly scraped her nails over his pecs and abs. His dick jumped in anticipation and his hands fisted tightly at his sides. The scent of arousal was heavy in the air. He felt that if she just grazed his rod he would explode. The thought made him unconsciously pump his hips forward while trying to hold himself back.

"May I come, Mistress?" he pleaded.

"No Rabbit. You need to wait." she growled as she ran her claws lightly over his hips and thighs.

"Please!" he cried.

Running her palms over the marks she left, as she knelt in front of him, and ran her tongue over the silken skin of his throbbing manhood. Gasping in ragged breaths, he watched intently as his beautiful predator gently gripped him and pumped his flesh. Spitting on the fingers of her other hand, she ran them in between the redden globes of his firm buttox. He cried out in pleasure as she thrust a single digit into his puckered hole and sucked the head of his cock in her mouth.

"Come for me, Rabbit." she said pulling back, adding a second finger to his extremely tight rosebud stretching him. The overwhelming assault sent him overboard and he yelled as he came undone and shot rope after rope onto her waiting tongue.

He collapsed and shivered as she pressed a kiss to his sweat covered skin.

"Good Rabbit." she praised as he lay in her arms.


Sorry it's taken so long to release this but geez trying to get through anything (especially writing) takes so much time and effort. Took me eight days to write this chapter. Not sure about it though... never wrote a scene like this before. How was it? Any suggestions?

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