Chapter 1

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I read the rules for the boys over again. They follow them well, except for one. Don't do anything extremely stupid. That rule is hardly ever followed. Liam tries to get the rest of them to behave, but they rarely ever do. Someone is constantly doing something to someone else. Like Louis will chuck a spoon at Liam, or Zayn will straighten Harry's precious curls, or one of the guys will eat all of Niall's food. 

The boys are all weird, they all have some sort of fetish. Liam with his fear of spoons, Zayn with his obsession with mirrors, Niall and food, Louis and stripes, Harry and cats. Some of the things the fans say about the boys aren't always true though.
Yes, Zayn likes mirrors but he isn't constantly looking in one or obsessed with his reflection. No, Harry isn't always a womanizer. Louis does like carrots, but he doesn't eat them 24/7 or know how to say them in 10 different languages; he only knows how to say carrots in 9.  Niall does eat a lot of food and does love Nando's chicken, but he also happens to really like tacos and other things, too. 

I know a lot about the boys because I live with them all in the same flat. My dad is having me live with them because he wants to make sure the boys won't do anything too ridiculous, but is too busy to do it himself, so I do it for him. I'm Simon Cowell's daughter, the creator of X-Factor and American Idol. He isn't entirely mean like he appears to be, he's just.... strict. 

I have rules to follow, and so do the boys, but they are two different sets of rules. 

The boys just aren't allowed to do anything stupid alone or with me. I'm not allowed to anything stupid, date the boys, have to keep my hearing aids in at all times, no drinking, stay away from the paps, and I have to check in with my dad. Daily. 

It's horrible. I'm practically One Direction's fulltime babysitter. Don't get me wrong, I love the boys, but I want my own life, too. I don't get to do much that doesn't involve the boys. In the flat we have a music room so the boys can practice or write songs if they need to, but sometimes I sneak in and play the piano or guitar. 

Sometimes people like to call me Beethoven because I play instruments and I'm deaf. I hate the nickname. That's one of the many reasons why my dad forces me to wear hearing aids. I can hear a lot of things, yeah, but I can't hear somethings, like whispers or extremely low music in a restaurant. 

Sometimes playing music without the boys around is hard. 

People say I look very similar to my father. I never met my mother, she left me with him when I was born. I have extremely long brown hair that goes to my waist, and brown eyes to match. I have pale skin, and I'm really skinny even though I eat quite a bit. I'm 18, and am really short, around 5' 3" or so.

"Hey Allie! Where are ya?" I hear Niall yell. 

I quickly stop playing the piano, and shut it closed. 

I run out of the room and across the hall to my room and sit down with a book. 

"Back here!" I yell back. 

He walks in and sits next to me, wearing a grin that I know means he wants something from me. 

"Hey Allie, would you be willing to make some food? I'm hungry", he pouts. 

"Didn't you just eat lunch an hour ago?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I'm still hungry!" he says. 

"Sure", I ruffle his hair. I get up and walk into the kitchen, Niall following me like a puppy. It's one of my dad's unspoken rules to do just about anything the boys ask. Go out with them, cook, pick them up if they're drunk, things like that. 

I quickly make something for him and hand him his plate. 

"Where are the rest of the guys?" I ask Niall while he shovels down the food. 

They Don't Know About Us. **A Niall Horan Love Story**Where stories live. Discover now