Chapter 13

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I felt a bit better until I saw Dark being pulled by Edward.

"He needs me!"

"Dark! You can't be in there!" Dr. Iplier yelled back.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, jumping out my seat.

"It's fine, Anti just- Dark!"

Edward grabbed Dark as well as other doctors who saw the commotion.

"He's scared! He needs me!" Dark growled, hissing every now and then when someone touched the burns on his back.

Everyone was distracted allowing me to slip passed them. I snuck around the corner and made my way to where Anti was being held.

"Jackie, where are you off to?" I heard someone say.

I turned to see Sean with a small sympathetic smile.

"Where is he? Is he okay?"

"Of course, he just has to get a c-section." Sean assured.

I sighed in relief. "What happened?"

"I think the baby couldn't breathe. They're gonna be fine tho." Sean said, holding back a sniffle.

I walked towards him and gave him a hug. "It'll be okay."

"I know, it's just...he's grown up so fast."

"He's still the same Anti, Sean."

"I know, but...he's never gonna be around anymore." Sean sobbed.

"We can always Skype and call like we did before." I assured.

"It's not the same."

"I think we can make an exception" a calm voice said behind us.

It was Dark, rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" Sean sniffled.

"Anti's been talking about moving lately and...I've been ignoring it, but maybe we could make a plan. If you'd like."

Jack smiled and hugged the demon gently, being careful not to touch his burns. I bit my lip trying not to smile too.

"Come on then. Let's get back to the others."

*time skip to a lil while later*
*Darks POV*

It was early in the morning, round about 2am. Google, Edward and Marvin had gone home to make sure the house was alright as well as Jameson, Robbie and the rest of the Ipliers who were left alone. Everyone else (Chase, Wilford, Mark, Sean, Jackie and I) waited in the waiting room for Henrick to come back with news. Chase and Mark were asleep, Wilford was playing tricks with his knife, Sean was at the vending machine to buy a KitKat, Jackie sat in my chair playing with his fire power, flicking his fingers like a lighter and I was tapping my foot impatiently.

"Okay so I have ze good news and ze bad newz." Henrick announced, taking off a pair of gloves when he entered.

(Bad news?)

I stood up. "What's the bad news?"

"Ze baby seemed to hav ze scar on ze neck, like Anti's but zmaller."

"Why is it?" Sean asked.

(Didn't the little girl you saw have one)

(Little girl? Oh the one from when Dark died? She did!)


"That's alright, there's an explanation for that." I assured the doctor.

"Not needed. I just need ze permission to operate. Nothing drastic just a quick stitch up."

"Will it benefit them?"

"If ve close it now it vill only leave a light scar once healed, ozerwize they'll be in here more zen Anti vhen ze stitches burst. Iz thiz Alright vith you to operate?"

"Yes, of course. Do what you must."

"Now that that is settled...Whats the good news?" Jackie asked, standing up too.

Henrick smirked. "Follow me."

Sean nodded and woke up Mark and Chase. Once everyone was up we followed Henrick to a window. We all looked through it to see the NICU.

"Awe look at all the babies." Sean cooed.

"Bros look. That one has little freckles."

"I like that one on the left, he looks like a little superhero with those little muscles."

"Awe that one is named Mark too."

Is one of these mine?

(I can't really see)

(That one looks a little like Anti maybe)

(No they don't have the scar that the doctor talked about)

They all look the same to me. I can't tell my own child apart from the others. I'm already screwing up!

"Zere she is!" Henrick shouted in excitement.

I looked up to see my old nurse walk in with a little baby in her hand. She had small tufts of raven hair and was wrapped in a pink fluffy blanket. The nurse was gentle with her, laying her down so that the slit on her neck was visible.

(Oh Dark she's beautiful. I can't wait to raise her.)

(That's right! Were co-parents now!)

Is she breathing, I can't tell.

(Yes, see the chest moving up and down)

Is she in pain?

(You feeling alright, Dark?)

(Dark the doctor said it will be alright, the operation will fix everything)

But she's going to live with that scar for the rest of her life. What if she hates me for it!

(Control yourself. She will love you, we promise)

How would you know?!

(Dark please, just trust us)

I...I don't know.


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