Chapter 3

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(Darks POV)

I woke up from my nap, still feeling a little lightheaded. I groaned as I sat up to stretch, expecting to feel the stereotypical adult pain in my lower back, yet I felt nothing. In fact I felt a thousand years younger, this was a delight.

(Oh please! Please can I tell him Damien)

(Not yet)

What are you two on about.


I shook away the voices in my head as the memories of today flooded my brain. What did I do again? Oh right. Went to work, had a meeting with some colleagues, picked up Anti- Anti...

(You still have to apologize Dark, we agreed you would after calming down with a nap)

You're right, I need to-

I was cut off as I scooted off the bed to slip into my slippers and immediately fell down onto the floor. Why the fuck did that feel so high? With a little "oof" I picked myself up and rubbed my head. What the- I looked at my hand to see it was small with stubby little fingers.

"What in the- My voice!"



"What is going on?!" I yelled.

(Look in the mirror)
I ran to the closest mirror I could find and saw what could be nothing but terrible.

(Its a boy!)

My heart started to beat like a drum as I gripped my short hair, panicking and screaming while my aura snapped in a painful manner.

(Dark control yourself!)

I stopped dead in my tracks and my eyes glowed red, knowing exactly the cause my of this. "ANTI!!!"

A short while later I could hear the glitch's footsteps near my door. He walked in, a slight hint of worry hiding behind a devilish smirk. "Yes darling?"

"Explain yourself at once!"

"Now now Darky, no need to yell." He giggled, picking me up.

I felt like kicking him but I couldn't risk him dropping me.

"Wow, aren't you a little light weight?"

"How could you do this to me!" I yelled, my voice no longer intimidating.

"This is what you get for yelling at me."

"Look I apologize for raising my voice, but I am still not moving."

"And I refuse to stay in LA, so you can gladly pick anywhere else to go." He retaliated, walking me down the stair case.


"Fine then. Let's just go to dinner."

"If you so much as dare to show me to anyone I will~"

"You'll do what Dark?" He snapped, glaring at me. "Go on now, speak up."

(Celine think of a comeback, quickly)

(No, Dark needs to learn how to behave)

You're taking Anti's side!

(There's no sides Dark, you have to respect your partners wishes)

Oh I'm sorry, would you like to be humiliated in front of everyone.

(How do you think he feels after your comments)

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