Chapter 7

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I know I'm late but you didn't completed the goals... Next time I won't post chapter if you don't complete my goals.

Goals : 20 + votes
It's easy so do it -_-

F/b start (in Jann's POV)

Ahh at last lunch break... Yaayy I'm soo damn hungry😣 .

I went to cafeteria and saw Sid sitting there alone.

Where did everyone gone? And Faisu 😍 is also isn't there 😔 let's ask Sid.

Jann : Hey Sid 🙋

Sid : Hey Jannu 🙋‍♂️

Jann : where are everyone? Avu also not here 🧐

Sid : You want everyone or only Faisu bhayya? 😏

Jann : Sid ☺

Sid : 😂 Ok ok... 2nd years have an extra class so you have no luck... And Avni didn't came today

Jann : Why what happened to her?

Sid : Nothing just she didn't want to 🤷‍♂️

Jann : Lazy ass 😒 and today you are soooo bored right? ' Your Avni ' is absent today 😏

Sid : Nothing like that Jann... She's my -

Jann : Just best friend I know 😒

Just then I saw Varun on the other table with some girls... What is he doing there. He always sits with us why not today?

Jann : Sid... Why Varun sitting with them today?

Sid : Oh I don't know 😒 and he is always with them when you or Avni is not around... He flirts with every girl in this collage... I don't know why you guys are not seeing that 😒

Jann : Are you jealous 🙄?

Sid : W.. what j.. jealous why will I be jealous...

Jann : Why are you stammering 😏

Sid : I'm not stammering and you say why will I be jealous and that too of him 😒

Jann : Do you love Avi?

Sid : WTH Jannu... She's my bestie that's it

He said without any eye contact.

Jann : Ok ok... But you are jealous... And Varun is not that much bad... Yeah he flirts a little 🤷‍♀️

Sid : Little! That's not called little... He don't have any limits 😡

Jann : But Avu said he is just a little flirt

Sid : But in front of her he never flirts 🤨

Jannu : Oh 🤦‍♀️ but he flirts with her na

Sid : What..!? He flirts with her... But she didn't told me

He said the last line almost inaudible so Jann didn't hear it.

Jann : Why are you so shocked like she didn't tell it to you... And why you look so hurt?

Sid : Nothing... But I'm saying you he is not good and it you will get to know soon 🙂

He faked a smile.

What happened to him. I don't think Varun is bad. This Sid na is soo jealous... I know you love her that's why you are saying this
Hmm... hmm we'll also see for how much time you will hide it 😏.
He said nothing after that and started eating.,. Soon everyone joined but he was silent 🤨 that's not a ' Sid thing ' -- I mean he always talk active 🤷‍♀️ may be because Avi's absence... Leave him... Awww look at my Faisu 😍 how handsome he looks... Haayeee I'm dead 😍. Then the bell rang aaarghhhhhhhh I didn't even spend time with him this bell 😖.
( POV ends)

F/b ends

Avu : Whattt... You said him that Varun flirtes with me 😟

Jann : Why are you yelling yeah I told and that's not like you didn't told him... You all -

Avu : I... I didn't told h... him

Jann : What 😳 you didn't told... I mean you tell each and everything to him you  even said him about your periods also... So why... -

Avu : You knew right... I.. I liked Varun that time s... so I didn't told Sid... I... I thought he'll get into fight or he'll say me to stay away from Varun as he do always when someone flirts with me

She said looking down. She done a mistake she knew it... That was the 1st time in her whole life she hided something from Sid...

Jann : I didn't knew it... Sorry

She said with guilty. But it was not her I was the guilty 😔. I hided that from my Siddo... He must have hurt knowing that I hided something from him 😔.

Avi : You didn't do anything wrong.. I did ... He must have hurt💔 I hurted the person who was always beside me when I needed... I broke his trust Jann... And he didn't even asked me about it... He... he never asked anything about it to me... He must have thought that I made him a fool Jann.... I... I'm so bad I.. I hurted the person who trusted me more who always protected me from every harm who was my bestest friend... I hurted him I'm soo bad 😭

She was crying continuously hugging Jann. She too felt tears looking at her bestie crying. She didn't knew what to do so she just hugged her and tried to calm her down.

Sm's POV

Where are you...I'm missing you badly cutie pie.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I lied you... I'm sorry that I left you alone... I'm sorry... WHERE ARE YOU... COME BACK... I... I WANT YOU❤... I LOVED YOU... I STILL LOVE YOU.... PLEASE WHERE ARE YOU 😭

Sm cried for hours and slept thinking about his/her cutie pie crying...


              Ok this is the chapter... Hope you liked it
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                 I'll post next chapter only when the goals are completed...

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