Enemy!Reyna x M!Reader x Ally!Killjoy

Start from the beginning

Shortly after that, they reached to their destination called Ascent. Brimstone gave everyone their mic and map. "They must be around here, don't let them plant." Brimstone ordered as everyone got into position with their gun including (Y/n). "They've got one ugly looking crew, let's ruin their day." Brimstone said as they started their mission. Everyone knew what to do except (Y/n). "Hey (Y/n), just stay with me and you'll be fine." Killjoy winked as she told him to follow her. Jett and Phoenix were watching A site, Brimstone took care of middle as Killjoy and (Y/n) went to B.

Unknown to them, enemy team had Breach, Sova, Cypher, Omen and Reyna, yes, that same Delilah. The battle began. Breach went to handle Brimstone, Reyna, Omen and Cypher went to A to plant the spike and Sova was on B. Sova used his arrow to reveal the area. "Multiple enemies A." They could hear Jett. "One enemy in mid." Said Brimstone as he kept dodging Breach's attacks. "We're on our way." Killjoy said but before should could leave the area, she knew their positions were exposed. "Placing sentry." She put the sentry near heaven and threw a swarm grenade. "(Y/n)...hide." He was in the lobby exactly in front of heaven but "Killjoy, behind you." Killjoy was unknown to the fact that Sova got behind her and he shot the arrow. (Y/n) was quick to move and he pushed Killjoy out of the way. He did take some damage, but not much. Before Sova could charge another attack, Killjoy took her gun and killed him. "Are you alright (Y/n)?" He smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm fine." Killjoy was still worried but it wasn't the best time maybe. "Common let's go." They could hear Phoenix. Judging by the voice, it seemed like they were having tough time. "Let's go (Y/n)." Brimstone had barely killed that Breach but it took more out of him so Cypher killed Brimstone after that. "Guys, hurry up, we can't hold them for too lon-." Before Jett could complete her statement, she was down too but she took down Omen as well. "As much as this world hurts me, it's mine and I will kill to defend it." Reyna stated as Phoenix faced her. Phoenix was brave to fight two enemies at a time. Killjoy reached to the area in time and "Initiated!" Killjoy initialized her lockdown. Omen got killed by Phoenix but Reyna took his revenge. "(Y/n), you go from this side, I will go here." Killjoy and (Y/n) split path. Only one enemy was left and there were two of them. Reyna knew that she had to get out of that area. She hurried but, on her way, she saw him... (Y/n) was equally surprised to see her there. "Delilah..." He said in astonished tone. "(Y/n)." "What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked as he got close to her. Reyna couldn't bear it. "I am your enemy (Y/n)." She waited for countless nights to see him but who knew they would meet like this. The initialization was completed and since Reyna couldn't get out in time, she got paralyzed. "Delilah, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked as he saw her suffering there. "It doesn't matter right now." Reyna said, she didn't want to show it but she was frustrated, by the fact that they were enemies, by the fact they couldn't have great time like before, by the fact that no matter how hard she tries, she won't be able to kill him. 'I've stood over so many corpses. A few more does not matter.' She thought but she remembered that warm smile (Y/n) flashed at her for the first time. The best way out of the situation was... "(Y/n), Kill me." She stated with almost no emotions in her voice. (Y/n) was taken a back by her words. "Delilah...I..." "JUST DO IT." Reyna yelled. With shaking hands, (Y/n) raised his gun and aimed at her. Reyna kept looking at the ground bearing the pain. (Y/n)'s gun was pointed exactly towards her head and ... "I won't shoot you." (Y/n) gave up. Reyna looked at him with concerned eyes. "You will regret it later." She quietly said. "We will see that when time comes." (Y/n) couldn't utter another word as he lowered his gun. The effect of Killjoy's ultimate came to an end and Reyna took her gun. Nothing changed the fact that they were still enemies. Reyna quickly aimed at (Y/n) as he watched her. Despite of horror, his eyes was sparking with trust. He would have no regret even when Reyna had shot him, he knew what he did was right. "Don't let your enemies escape (Y/n)." Reyna said. She had no intend to kill him, she was just showing him the glimpse of the world (Y/n) was about to live in. Killjoy finally reached there and saw Reyna aiming towards (Y/n). "(Y/N)" she couldn't bear the thought of (Y/n) being dead. She took the aim for Reyna but "stealing sight." They couldn't see anything for a while as Reyna fled away. Killjoy was concerned now. She knew how dangerous Reyna is and looking her aiming straight for (Y/n) almost scared her to death. She rushed towards him. "(Y/n), are you fine? Did she hurt you? Why didn't you shoot her?" She caressed (Y/n)'s cheek and looked into his eyes. (Y/n) knew that she was worried for him. "I'm absolutely alright, Killjoy, she didn't hurt me." The tears were forming in Killjoy's eyes already, she couldn't control her feelings anymore. She closed her eyes, closed the gap and her lips met his. (Y/n) was shocked for a while but slowly melted into kiss and kissed back. That was such a passionate kiss, they were just grateful to have each other. Killjoy pulled apart after a while. "Sorry to make you worries Killjoy." (Y/n) said as Killjoy shook her head. They were enjoying their time when they heard the spike planted. Killjoy gave diffuser to (Y/n). They both rushed to A site where spike was planted and Killjoy went ahead to find Reyna while (Y/n) started to defuse. "The hunt begins." (Y/n) heard the loud words and gunfire. He could only hope for well being of Killjoy while defusing. The spike was about to be defused when (Y/n) saw Reyna in front of him, but this time, she was covered in dark energy. "This is who I was meant to be." Reyna said to (Y/n) who was staring at his with wide eyes. "I'm nothing more than a killing machine now (Y/n)." Reyna said. (Y/n) couldn't stand it anymore. He dropped the diffuser and hugged her tightly. "Delilah...it's not Delilah I used to know. She has beautiful eyes, not this dark aura." (Y/n) whispered gently in her ears. Reyna couldn't resist the warmth she was feeling, she stopped that energy to flow around her and hesitantly hugged him back. That's what she needed, that's what she was waiting for. But alas, good times are bound to end, she heard the spike ticking rapidly, she knew that there was no time to defuse it now. (Y/n) pulled away from hug "Let me defuse it now, alright?" (Y/n) said but Reyna took his hand. "We don't have enough time." The radianite energy started converging towards spike as Reyna took (Y/n) and made a run for it. "Delilah...we." Before he could say anything, Reyna just pushed him away as the spike exploded. Unlucky her, she couldn't survive but for the last time, she looked at (Y/n) and smiled a pure, gentle and warm smile for the first time in a while. She was just glad that she could meet him, she was just glad that (Y/n) was saved at least. The loud explosion hit (Y/n)'s ears and heart as he looked at Reyna's lifeless body hitting the ground. "DELILAH..." He screamed and rushed to get her but it was too late. He patted her gently, wishes to bring her back to life but it wasn't possible. At some distance, he also saw Killjoy lying dead. He lost it all in just a moment, in just one fight. The grief and guilt were at its peak as the tears started rolling down his cheek.

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