Bakugou was not having it. "Oi! The hell you talking about?!"

Shigaraki straightened up again, turning his head in Bakugous direction. "Oh? Curious much, aren't we? We want you to join us, Bakugou Katsuki, that's why you're here."

Bakugou frowned at Shigaraki's words, before moving his head to the left, referring to you, "And her?"

"That's an unfinished business. None of your concern, I'm afraid." Shigaraki then turned back to you. "So, where were we. Oh yes,"

You could tell he was now smirking only from the change of tone in his voice. However, you still couldn't look directly at him. "First, I thought I would put you in that exact same room, for the sake of memories, you know? But it seemed a little boring, and now we have the whole league here" he gestured to the people around, before leaning, once again, closer to you.

"Oh and, not just the league... " Shigaraki whispered, before straightening back up and walking closer to a monitor on the other side of the room. "...sensei?"

Your head shot up in an instant, a look of shock on your face. Bakugou was looking at you very confused, wondering who that was, but decided to keep quiet.

Your breath hitched as a voice came from the monitor, "Shigaraki. Got them yet?"

"No, unfortunately. But I will"

"I see. Do not disappoint me"

Only the sound of his voice made shivers run down your spine. Trying to remain calm, you took a few breaths in.

"Oi! What the hell is going on?! Who was that?!" Bakugou asked as the monitor shut again.

Shigaraki turned around. You now fully saw him too, and he was just like you remembered, only now a bit taller. He wasn't that much older than you, so you had always wondered what could have made him join the league.

You were sure it was somehow against his will -or by some sort of manipulation. All for One's doing, of course.

That man was so scary, you were surprised you hadn't given in back then.

"Bakugou Katsuki. You will see when the time comes. That is, if you join us, of course" Shigaraki said, looking at Bakugou, who scoffed, although you could sense the slight tremble in his voice.

"Tch. Never"

"Hm... Y/n here used to say that." He motioned to you. "Didn't do her too much good, unfortunately."

Bakugou looked at you once again, confusion still in his expression. "Huh?!"

You were looking back and forth between the two, not having the strength to say anything, a blank expression on your face.

"He wanted her quirk, you see, hers and another boy's. But back then, we didn't have what we had today, so we couldn't succeed. But now we do. And we will succeed." Shigaraki explained, somehow glad to share that information which you obviously wanted buried deep down. While speaking, he gave you a glance and even though his face wasn't visible, you could tell he was smirking.

You didn't react in any way. For some reason, after internally freaking out for a few minutes, you were numb. That place -even though it wasn't the same as the one you had been to back then- had the same atmosphere, one that used to scare you, make you want to cry and scream and beg to be taken anywhere but there.

But now, seeing yourself surrounded by the league once again, you didn't feel anything. It was almost as if you didn't care what happened anymore, like being there once more meant that safety wasn't an option for you anymore.

(Never) forget youOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora